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Everything posted by Inky

  1. The Notorious Bettie Page decent. Gretschen Mol is a dead ringer for Bettie in this movie.
  2. at 60 bucks each thats 300 bucks for 5 games. March is 3 months away. so you need 100 bucks saved per month. so what do you spend 100 bucks a month on that you can live without till then? I'm gonna guess that at least one of those games gets delayed. (has a gran turismo game ever come out on time?) but what if you only got FFxviixvxmcmxviv and sssfIVce on release. I'm sure they could keep you busy for a month or so until you could afford the other ones.
  3. canadian pr0n would involve maple syrup, hockey sticks, and beevers
  4. you guys are gettig a new Kids in the Hall miniseries. If it's not pirated within minutes of air I will personally go up there and kill Canada.
  5. cow farts seriously contribute to greenhouse gasses. I once read that farts poison your body if held in. and that people lose 5 minutes off thier lives for every fart held in. I don't know if thats true but why risk it let em blow! and if you wanna be green and save the environment you should light your farts so the gasses don't go into the atmosphere.
  6. It really depends on the drive. Mine will only read +r. Just have to try a few different ones to find what work for you drive.
  7. I always laugh when I see the 'who dat Ninja' poster on 30rock. I'll play some ninja games in honor of this day.
  8. looks sick, to bad I just sold my OG xbox yesterday.....
  9. Everyone is going apeshit over this game on one of the torrent sites I visit. Is it really that good or is it just pretty good like you say? it's not something to go crazy over, no game of the year or anything. but the story is solid so far, and if you like GTA style sandbox with multiple mission givers, driving, guns and melee. It borrows disguises form prototype so you have a stealth aspect, and building climbing akin to Assassins creed. the climbing is not as smooth as Assassins creed. animations aren't great, jumping looks funny. on foot is better then GTA4 IMO, in GTA4 it felt like you were walking in molasses. It's something to tide you over in this somewhat slow holiday season. (where are all the big blockbuster titles this year? just L4D2, MW2, DA:O and AC2 so far.)
  10. I remember playing a virtual boy display unit for like 5 minutes in Target before I got a screaming headache.
  11. The Sabatour. It's pretty good, like GTA in WWII. with a bit of mercenaries, Prototype and Assassins Creed thrown in for good measure. the voice acting isn't all that. the graphics are OK but not spectacular. there is a cool effect throughout the game though. everything is black and white with splashes of color. Kinda like a Nior film. but as you progress the story areas of the game become full color denoting that the locals are inspired by your actions.
  12. did you ever get you connection issues figured out?
  13. that looks pretty good. kinda Fallout3 meets Stalker.
  14. software mods. there are chips available, but they don't offer anything a DVD firmware mod doesn't. unfortunately for 90% of the xbox 360 users there is no chance of homebrew or anything like that. just straight backups. I got the Sabatour today but didn't have a chance to play it yet.
  15. Bayonetta seems a little silly to me but I'll give it a try.
  16. Did you buy or rent this? Personally, I'll stay away from anything that has 'ATV' in the title somewhere. Goz' I don't buy or rent anything.
  17. MX Vs ATV Reflex my suggestion would be to stay as far away from this game as possible. Even so much as if you are in gamestop and the game you want is touching this one, chalk it up to a loss and go get something else. I'm serious.
  18. there is only 1 game I want in that list.
  19. other then salvaging from another broken iPod, I don't think you could get your hands on that little part. I'd just have the thing soldered up again.
  20. I don't get boners from installing graphics cards that cost the equivelent of a months worth of household bills, so I vote no.
  21. where the fuck did that come from? C'mon man... you know this type of unethical behavior for the sake of just acting like jackasses for the hell of it is reflective of American youth nowadays. No offense to you, i'm American too, but I see kids acting this way, behaving like that show Jackass and watching MTV like its a religion and its disappointing. I'm disgusted in my own culture at times is what i'm saying. Anyway good luck to Bella Ciao on her career. Is Bella her real name? ahh, you got the international version of white man's guilt.
  22. I have a feeling guy is gonna be a nighmare... I've never been able to handle a decent Guy player... Throw in Mokato, Urien that wrestling chick from SFA3 and Karin. Lets make it it a real end all roster!
  23. Triangle what a trippy movie. it was pretty good.
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