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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I wonder if I can get gas for under $2.95 a gallon on black friday....
  2. eh I'm pretty broke as it is. Black friday is a skip for me.
  3. so what the fuck are you posting your useless drivel for then? go play and don't give a fuck. no one gives a fuck that you don't give a fuck.
  4. Torchlight doesn't have any copy protection so........
  5. meh, I think it's about the same as it ever was. people like to remember the past as the good ol' days when everything was awesome. but there were plenty of shitty games back then too. if you don't like to pay for DLC, then DON"T. send a message to the devs with your wallet. as a rule I don't buy DLC except in very special cases.
  6. Assassin's Creed 2 I have no love for the first AC, I hated it. But I am having an OK time with part 2. It's less repetitive then the first one. It's set (IMO) a more interesting time and place.
  7. No, it locks you out of installing games to the HDD so no live, no media extender / divx support, no DLC and no installing games to the hard drive. I haven't tested if tversity still works or not. if it does you can get divx that way. my banned X360 told me that this is not the case. You can still install games to HDD, but you will not get updates and patches. they started locking the HDD down on this latest ban wave.
  8. Ok it seems it is any liteon 83850C manufactured after aug 09 are unhackable at this time. any earlier 83850C is hackable with out a spear the first liteons marked 74850C need a spear to dump the key. Jungleflasher TUT
  9. No, it locks you out of installing games to the HDD so no live, no media extender / divx support, no DLC and no installing games to the hard drive. I haven't tested if tversity still works or not. if it does you can get divx that way.
  10. the numbers on the top of the drive will tell you, you'll have to open her up though. last I heard the newest unflashable liteon has only been seen on the new 250gb sku so far.
  11. my wife hates it, she'd rather me shave it twice a day. she has sensative skin though and a kiss from my stubbly face will turn her skin red.
  12. I've got 2 old 12" iBooks that I love. but I got them cheap and use them as netbooks. I don't try to do anything serious on them. I'm thinking of switching one to a linux media center. Apple's strength is design. and marketing there are no better looking computers on the market. Hardware is thier weakpoint. and they will leave you in the dust when they change architecture. there is no PowerPC support any more and they have only been on intel for a few years now. less then 4 I'm sure. the only other strong point is OSX is solid and you can't fuck it up. nearly zero virus and spywares too.
  13. Went through the Firefly series again a few days ago, currently watching the first season of Fringe. but I'm taking a break from that right now and watching Pandorum.
  14. yeah the new slims can not install linux at all. I'm really surprised the PS3 hasn't been hacked yet.
  15. my xbox has been fucking up not reading discs so I haven't gotten very far into the single player. I need to rip it apart and give it a thorough cleaning, maybe a new laser is in order. I did get to play the infamous airport level. hahah that's some fucked up shit. If you thought GTA rose a shit storm with the media and parents wait until they get their hands on that level.
  16. good ol' fashion safety razor for teh win. leave the straight razor for a once a month treat at a real old fashioned barber if you can find one. anything with more then 2 razors is gay, use that shit on your pussy.
  17. alot of damage can be done to a child with out the use of an erect penis. I'm sorry but I am on the 'kill em all' side of the argument. there's no such thing as rehabilitation for those kinds of criminals. (for most types of criminals really)
  18. opinions are overrated bullshit unless they are yours right? you're a fucking moron. that's not opinion, it's fact.
  19. you know that stuff don't fly in a Skythe thread, hahah. I'm unimpressed all around with DA:O graphics look shit on 360. combat is click and wait. The story is the only thing thats saving it. and it's not doing all that great of a job. I'm having more fun with Torchlight on PC at the moment.
  20. well I am glad you are back on the right track Paul. just look at the bright side, no jizz, no babies.
  21. this doesn't sound like a problem to me. wait did you say you were doing CRACK?! with the social stigma involved it just really surprises me that any one even tries crack these days. How bad do you have to want to get high to say "Oh, lets try crack, Pookie in New Jack City was such a cool guy, I want to be like that! there you go problem solved, hit the chicks for an hour or 2, get the sex machine rep. then jerk it in the bathroom for release afterwords.
  22. 7 gigs in 24 hours?!? damn it's only like 3 or 4 hours on my not ultra fast connection.
  23. I've had it on my hard drive for a few days. but this whole wave 4 thing on top of the recent banwave have me uninterested in playing it.
  24. First Console = Atari 2600 First Computer = some crap eMachine Best Console = SNES Best Computer Memories = Pirating 4d boxing and Doom. (yeah I've been at this a looong time)
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