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Everything posted by Inky

  1. Lets get this shit back on track Anna Faris Amy Winehouse before the crack called her.
  2. what if youtube and Lastfm had a baby? it would be TubeRadio.FM if you like listening to music on last.fm but also like the control you have with song selection you get from manually searching for songs on youtube you need to check this out.
  3. that sucks hearing about online. Why can't they figure it out by now. people want good connections especially for ranked matches. you should be able to kick or back out of a ranked match before it starts. I figured the competition would be shit low kicks over and over again. there just aren't enough new school gamers who know how to play fighting games. 1000s of nubs and then a wide gap to the 100s of pros with no one in between.
  4. I love driving on long trips. I don't like being a passanger though. let me drive and control the radio and I am happy all day. when I was driving a truck an 11 hour drive was a normal day.
  5. you can stream it on Crackle.com now! Head! Pants NOW!!!
  6. Imagine this.. I'm playing ghost mode with my bad ass Kazuya, customized to look tough and not like a reject from Dragon Ball Z. my wife is sitting on the couch reading a magazine. and she looks up just in time to see me get KOed with a huge combo from a Kangaroo..... yeah I'm never gonna live it down, and that's why I hate Tekken. fuckin Kangaroos..
  7. Inky


    lol just cuz you say 'THREAD LOCKED!' doesn't make it so. anyways what'd I miss?
  8. I'm really not in a hurry to upgrade. I liked the Win7 Beta but my XP install is stable and fast right now. I'll ride that wave as long as I can. once a good retail iso and activation hack hit the scene I'll grab it and hold it until I decide I want to go through fresh install hell.
  9. a chick could have cow udders for all I care, it's all about the ass hips and legs. a long smooth neck that isn't all tendons and veins is hella sexy too.
  10. my nephew got the swine flu a few weeks ago. he survived and is a sickly little thing.
  11. Borderlands and Tekken 6. I've also restarted Skate 2.
  12. I watched Paranomal Activity the other day. I enjoyed it. I like believible ghost stories though over the overblown hollywood style. I guess the leaked version has a different ending then the theatrical release. last night I watched the Attic, which was trippy and a good story but ruined by poor acting.
  13. Ryan I'd like to hear your take on Machida - Rua tonight. SPOILERS: A rematch has been announced. I'd also like your thoughts on 'Rumble' Johnson coming in 6lbs over weight.
  14. I got some time with it earlier today. senario mode gets a bit better after the first few stages. still not awesome though. graphics are OK, not jaw dropping like VF5 though. VF5 is still the best looking fighter of this generation. COntrols and gameplay are classic Tekken, dial a combos. nothing new there. I don't really like that style of gameplay all that much but it's what some people love. I hope the online will be OK, I've been playing with the standard controller cuz I didn't want to dig out my stick, but next time I play I will use my TE.
  15. I didn't sign up for the preview. I really don't see how updating twitter and facebook on the crappy on screen keyboard would be acceptable. it's painful enough to send a short message. now if the I had a chat pad I guess it would be different but really... 30 bucks? if it was 15 or 20 I'd get one. I don't even have a facebook page, and havent checked my twitter in about 3 weeks. I listen to Last.fm all time. (and pandora) but I can do that on the PC thats 10 feet from the TV. or from my ipod plugged in to my alarmclock dock thingy.
  16. It wouldn't install, kept giving errors. I need to re-burn it in the morning.
  17. I only got about 30 minutes with the Scenario mode or what ever it is called. It is cut scene city. I mean like a loading screen then a long ass cutscene. then a loading screen then another cut scene, then a loading screen, then a short stage. rinse, repeat. in 30 minutes I played 2 stages. then I got an unreadable disc error and decided I'd had enough for one day. I'll write a new disc at lower speeds tomarrow morning and see if that helps with the slow loading screens and unreadable disc errors.
  18. I got it but haven't played it yet. I may be able to get some time with it later today. It is wave 4 so I dunno if it is even gonna work. From what I've heard the online is disabled until release.
  19. yes the 360 keeps a record of every game you play online or offline. this is stored in the on-board memory, not the hard drive. so you can not delete it. People have been banned in the past playing off line. BUT a good copy, verified by ABGX is undetectable. the recent bans came from a really early copy of Forza 3. and the release was probably a set up by MS. for maximum safe early play, make sure the game checks out on ABGX. it will not verify until a retail copy is in the database. but if it passes all other checks it's most likely fine. now, create a second off line gamer-tag. disconnect the Ethernet cable, and change the date on your xbox to after the release date of the game. DO NOT plug the internet cable back in until after the release date of the game. this will allow the game time stamps to match the post release legit players will have. and MS will not be able to tell one way or the other. MS is really only checking on high profile releases for bans, Forza 3, it seems to me that they only take action on games that they have a stake in like when they are the publisher. But this is all just for the paranoid. I've played many many games before release connected to xbox live. both times I was banned was for games that were most likely set ups to compile a banwave.
  20. thanks, I'll take em! you can handle all the Skoal chewin' toothless, trailer park redneck 'southern belles' Thanks. My first pick is your mom then. oh Noes! Not my mom! your razor wit cuts once again!!
  21. thanks, I'll take em! you can handle all the Skoal chewin' toothless, trailer park redneck 'southern belles'
  22. who needs books when you have the interwebs?!
  23. Who cares about 'some day'... some day your balls will hang into the toilet water too. lol you can have the stick figure 14 year old boy bodied girls. posted again for great justice!
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