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Everything posted by Inky

  1. Surrogates. Decent movie. Kinda a cross between the Matrix and Total Recall
  2. Smackdown Vs Raw 2010. I have no idea who most of the roster is. the gameplay seems solid enough so far. Borderlands. Lighter on RPG then Fallout. '1000s of guns' claim is a handful of guns with different paint and stats. but it is fun. I don't like the cell shaded style very much though. Forza 3. I'm not big on sim racers but this seems good for those that are. I liked the sense of speed and cockpit view in NFS: Shift more though.
  3. I love curves. I'd rather her then any of the 3 posted above.
  4. this is to funny http://www.webofentertainment.com/2009/10/...aced-bills.html
  5. Does your work use the same ISP, in the same town/county? If so not a problem, at my GFs she has a different ISP and so do some of the places I sit at with my laptop I presume. I have no problems staying logged in for an indefinite period of time if I stay on my connection at home, or just so happen to tap in somewhere with the same ISP. separate towns, different ISPs. I dunno, I guess I just count myself lucky.
  6. kinda odd. I am constantly logged in no problems on my home PC and work PC.
  7. seriously I remember the whole thing but these websites mean nothing to me......
  8. there is a bad ass little nettop media center made by the people that make the Eee laptops. it bolts right to the back of the TV. where the wall mount bolts up. I'd like to get one of those.
  9. I think I'll attempt to remain friendly and back out of this thread slowly, with my hand on my Glock.
  10. wait.. what? the NES Zeldas are the best in the series. We passed around those golden carts at my grade school until the batteries wouldn't save anymore. at the time there was NOTHING like the original Legend of Zelda. the second one was not as good but still a classic. I don't like any of the N64 Zeldas
  11. well Brutal Legend turned in to a big pile of poo. turns out all the major battles are this crappy half assed RTS. the multiplayer is the same crap RTS. if it was just straight sandbox hack and slash with the decent humor I'd have raved about this one. Forza 3 is incoming. I'm not huge into sim racers, but I'm sick and bored as hell
  12. the first lower button makes for a nice neo geo 4 button layout. I don't think you will ever find a use for the 8th button in a fighting game.
  13. I think you know what I think by now straight 6 and leave the cheater buttons off your layout seems like an interesting way to do it though.
  14. No, butterface = everything is hot 'but her face'
  15. the art style was great. but how many times can you shove a tire over someones chest and arms then throw them in a trash can before it gets boring?
  16. the first one is a Butterface. the second one looks like she passed out from hunger
  17. the problem with the PSP (and the DS to a smaller extent) is that they forgot that this is a portable system. made for gaming on the go, quick bursts of gameplay between classes or on a lunch break, stuff like that. they put out these big overblown console ports that suck battery like a hooker on crack. I don't have time to sit through a long loading screen, overblown menu system, then a 10 minute cut scene to start a game. by then it's time to turn it off and get back to whatever I was waiting in line to do. and god forbid they allow save anywhere. Thats why I like my Ipod. the games are made for the most part to be played in 5 to 10 minute chunks. perfect for DMV lines, doctor visits, oil changes, crap like that.
  18. Chrono Trigger never did anything for me. just one more in a long line of same old same old jRPGs.
  19. The Echo really good slow burning ghost story.
  20. you can switch out to a bat top. that what I have. you can also switch out the shaft spring to a JLW for a tighter feel.
  21. Brutal Legend. this one actually surprised me. it's pretty fun. Saw. It's exactly how you expect a movie game to be. suck and fail.
  22. same. I got a launch unit. hardly touched it. modded it then hardly touched it again. sold it for cost. then recently I got a good deal on a PSP2000 that I modded and proceded to hardly touch. sold it for profit. as far as handhelds go I have more fun with my ipod touch then any psp or DS I have owned.
  23. the Mooninites were unharmed in the attack. and prepare for revenge.
  24. I have a 47" magnavox in the living room and a 22" RCA in the bedroom. no complaints on either one. both LCD. I would have gotten a Vizio 47" but they were sold out at the time. My sister just got a 52" bravia that is really nice. my PC monitor has rear facing speakers too. I hate it. never could get it loud enough and there was a small delay. I guess from the sound projecting back then off the wall to your ears. fixed with a cheap set of desktop speakers.
  25. I think it's an attempt to point out what a monumental fuck up the previous one was. what has he done to fix anything? He's a lame duck, feel good we aren't racests anymore, figure head President. Everyone bitched about the evil war and how it was all Bush's fault for 7 years. now Obama is in office and no one mentions the war at all. He shifted everyone's attention to healthcare. more troops are shipping out all the time, the 2 front war continues to rage on but you wouldn't know if watching the news or reading the paper. You have to dig to see Obama's approval ratings are continually sinking. they won't report it. but Bush's rating were shoved down our throats every day.
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