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Everything posted by Inky

  1. walmart has 32 inch vizio for $468. I've never heard anything bad about Vizio. http://www.walmart.com/Vizio-32-1080p-LCD-Java/ip/10778775
  2. I like the look of that loader. I might have to try it out if I ever hook up my wii again. lol.
  3. I used to go through a case of beer a weekend. and maybe a 12er over the week. now I hardly drink at all. I might drink 2 tall boys on the weekend. usually I don't even do that lately.
  4. are you sure you want the buttons angled that steep? looks like a wrist breaker. the first angle looks better. what about this? besides moving the angle I moved the button array and stick up higher onto the panel. more material lower will help support your hands and wrists.
  5. damn get a new set of strings you wanker! hahah. I've got a few sets of electric. If I had a set of acoustic I'd send em to you. hahah
  6. did you get those parts you ordered? we need updates.
  7. If I was there I'd play the luther parts for you. I wish I could do what your doing. Just getting out there and playing for people, I've never played for more then 5 or 6 people at a time.
  8. them "aww dad I don't want to take out the trash!" Me "I guess you don't want to eat today either!!!"
  9. yeah I was like WTF?! in the outhouse? with that smell of fresh and old turd in the air. hahah. I watched Zombieland AGAIN. thats how bad ass it is. I started to watch Wrong Turn 2 but never got into it.
  10. On second thought, why dont you just train one of your kids to do it? I mean, that's what they're there for anyways right? Free labor? they are all busy with dishes, mowing the lawn, taking out the trash, rubbing my feet and taking out the trash
  11. damn if I knew you felt that way I would have told you I was a dirty thief a long time ago
  12. gaming cost me nothing. I don't pay for any of my hobbies.
  13. far from it fool. I'm the opposite. I am busy. a wife, 4 kids, jobs, gaming, guitar, softball, ect, ect. I don't have a lot of time to be messing with this. I just want to see if it is possible to cut a bill out of my budget and keep every one happy.
  14. I been toying with the idea of getting off cable TV and watching all my TV from internet sources. of course there is hulu, the major network websites and netflix. But I was wondering if I could set up for certain shows to get downloaded automagicly from a certain tracker? for instance say I want to get House every week. but I don't want to have to remember to manually download it. If I could get it working to where I didn't have to do alot of extra work I could see myself saving almost 80 bucks a month. edit: upon further investigation it appears that it's quite possible with something called ted (torrent episode downloader) RSS feeds and a bit of set up time and planning. the main stumbling block would be the 'channel surfing' times when I'm not watching a favorite show and just watching anything that seems half way interesting. and selling the whole idea to the wife lol.
  15. yeah you have to get the wireless dongle for the wireless pad to work. shoulda got a wired one.
  16. Zombieland Its full of win. not as good as shaun of the dead but a close second.
  17. that looks like it may be the gayest movie ever made.
  18. 1. find a drunk one 2. tell her you need a ride to go get some french toast. 3. ???? 4.PROFIT!
  19. don't sweat a few bad chords or messed up words. you'll find that most normal non musical people aren't really gonna notice while they are drinking and having a good time. you need to get someone to record your next gig so we can see it on youtube!
  20. you really can't go wrong with one of these. a little pricy but worth it. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...CATZ-_-74104070 I've got one and it works great for roms and such.
  21. I can grow a mean chin strap. I have the most pathetic mustache though. and I've always wanted a rollie fingers I would rock that shit so hard
  22. dude, does every fucking post have to be a fight with you. you need to lighten the fuck up.
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