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Everything posted by Inky

  1. dead snow is bad ass. the version I saw was dubbed, it wasn't a bad dub I think the off time out of sync dialog added to the camp factor.
  2. Played a bit of risen. it's muthafuckin HORRIBLE. also played some Zombie Shooter 2 on PC it's quite fun and has a nice art style. I like it.
  3. he got the chin strap to keep his hair on!
  4. 6 months?! I think I'll go ahead and update. it's not like I pay for this stuff
  5. Ali Larter is pretty hot. But I get the impression that she could kick my ass.
  6. is there a release date? I'm still on CS3. I was gonna update to CS4 but maybe I'll just wait.
  7. Stop the flames for a second, I wanna know how this ^ happened. She still has a relatively thin, and cute face. It's like she directed the fat downwards with the power of her mind. it's just genetics. I know fat girls with skinny faces and skinny girls with fat faces.
  8. just like your mom? Just like your grandma. my granny wasn't fat!!
  9. by todays retarded standards the most iconic woman in the world, Marilyn Monroe would be considered fat.
  10. oh noes, you called me a fag. I'm so hurt and distraught over your highly original insults!
  11. I found that if you have a goal, that you might not reach it. But if you don't have one, then you are never disappointed. And I gotta tell ya... it feels phenomenal. ~Peter LaFleur
  12. I dunno, but I do know there are a lot of IT people working at McDonalds. IT may be one of the worst careers to try and get into now. so many tech kids love computers so they follow the same career path. but in any field getting a dream job is tough and more then a little luck is involved. they are called dream jobs for a reason.
  13. it takes serious talent to dig that deep and then post something unrelated
  14. The Hills run Red some straight to dvd slasher flick. it was ok as these types of movies go. titties, blood and guts, hulking retard killer. what more could you want?
  15. I'd like to see 90's jerry curl mullet Bishop playable.
  16. I have a strict 'no drama' policy. so I would would just cut ties with the whole lot of them. but thats just me. there are plenty of other people in the world to be friends with.
  17. if they come out with costume packs I hope they do 80's versions. I hate 95% of the modern costumes and alts.
  18. once you start construction proper we'll need a dedicated progress thread with lots of pictures.
  19. Robert England played Freddy way to goofy in everything past part one. all the movies after the first one are just retarded. Part 2, Freddy possesses a kid just cuz he lives in Nancy's old house?! why he has to possess a kid to kill for him when he can do it himself in dreams is up in the air. Part 3, Dream warriors..... Craven is a horror legend right? Kids become wizards and kung fu masters in thier dreams. Part 4, continues the stupid dream warriors story, with the lead taking on powers of slain dream warriors. Part 5, Freddy possesses an unborn child..... again why does he have to possess someone (especially a baby) when he is all powerful in the dream world. Freddy's momma's ghost comes back to tell some silly backstory about her being a nun raped by 100 maniacs. Part 6, Freddys Dead. the end of the series! yeah right. Part 7, oh hai it was all just a movie but now it's becoming real.WTF. Craven has lost it. sharks are jumped on 70's honda motorbikes, Fonze style. Part 8, Freddy Vs Jason. oh yeah there is no possible way two washed up joke franchises smashed together for no reason could be a bad film. I hope this reboot can modernize and wash the taint away from the series. But I don't hold high hopes.
  20. well lets see, the halloween remakes sucked. the friday the 13th remake sucked, Micheal Bay sucks. so I'm not giving this one good odds. of course I'll see it anyways.
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