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Everything posted by Inky

  1. not a movie but the first episode of Flash Forward. looks like it is gonna be a good series.
  2. I liked the old school costume. and the little scene at about 1:16 may be the raddest batman standing up scene ever filmed. I'm not a big fan of the whole Batman Vs Aliens VS Predator thing though.
  3. Yeah I think soldering the xbox pad is the hardest part. I know there's a guy on SRK who sells prewired pcbs.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/garageink74 not very interesting unless your into rockabilly guitar.
  5. this time you will get a clip on Dan pony tail. or a Sagat eyepatch. depending on where you pre-order.
  6. it was very stressful but not that big a deal once I was done. I was scared cuz A: the liteon doesn't dump a clean firmware, just an approximation. B: you have to erase the stock firmware. if something went wrong with the approx dump you are taking a one way trip to Brick City. no way to ever get stock back on it. C: my first time using jungleflasher. D: I had to do all the 360 stuff on the ground, poking my head up to see the screen to read my tut and what the jungleflasher was doing. It went well though, only one heart attack inducing moment.
  7. wait, it's going to be that easy to remove someone from a picture and put them in another one? New levels of LULz are going to be had!
  8. unless you have the correct tools and experiance I'd keep the box fairly simple. I think the mistake a lot of guys make is making the box too small. some room to rest your palms below the buttons and to the sides is really nice. angling the top may not really be worth it. since it's in your lap you may just be able to adjust your legs to correctly angle the stick. I know in my recliner with the foot rest out. it's perfect for me. I'm prolly not getting 100% reaction time like I would sitting up straight. But damn it's comfortable. hahah. I want to figure out some way to have it waist high standing up, real arcade style. but I don't have room for a table of that height at my pad.
  9. make it the TvsC graphics engine and you got a deal
  10. ^This. Or Marvel vs Capcom 3. I'd rather Capcom vs SNK 3.
  11. Trick r' Treat nice little halloween movie thats got a old school horror comic flair.
  12. hahah that one should be printed out and affixed to every computer in my office.
  13. yeah pretty much to do it right with assigned stages and music is a little more involved then that. not to mention the general douchebaggery of the Mugen community and the way they treat characters like national secrets.
  14. I would like to see them add netplay with a lobby. But I guess everyone would be playing as whatever character is the most broken. and make it easier to add characters and such. as it is now. I just don't have the patience to build my own Mugen.
  15. I doubt it would last long. with the friction of your hand and the friction of the plunger moving in the ring. that paint would end up getting into the buttons and clogging the switch I'm sure. Siamitsu makes a clear button that you can put art under. you could just put some royal blue paper in them.
  16. I notice they all pretty much have the same 'news' it's just whichever one you like for articles and commentary.
  17. Finished the Story mode on the Warriors XBLA game. it was extremely painful. and made me long for the old Rockstar Warriors game.
  18. I found Quake Live to be super hard, like first training map impossible hard.
  19. I don't really keep up on gaming news as much as I should. I get most everything from Joystiq and Kotaku
  20. I think he meant SFA3? When will Capcom just give us a dream match with most if not all the previous characters? You know I used to really like the SFIV art style, until I played Tatsunoko Vs Capcom. Thats the way a 3d Street fighter game should look. the characters still look hand drawn in a way. and I could imagine how much cleaner it would be on 360/ps3. anyways Yeah, I'll get this game. I'm a sucker. hahah.
  21. Dremeling out an octo from a square gate would be a disaster. and painting buttons doesn't sound like a good idea either. I know nothing about JLWs, both my sticks have JLFs. JLF = . from what I understand, lots of folks like JLW for shooters and JLF for fighters. The JLF is clicky, but loose and responsive. with out being floppy. you can do a dragon punch motion with very little actual stick movement. The clicking isn't so bad. maybe a little insulation in the box would help to mask it. Being that you don't have alot of preconcieved notions from playing with certain sticks you may find you like the square gate. alot of people do. I love the octagon gate myself and can't play for shit with a square gate. this comes from playing american cabinets with HAPP sticks for so long I guess. you may want to think about HAPP sticks though, the perfect 360 stick is optical so no clicking. I don't know if you can wire it to run off a 360 pcb though. Alot of people will talk down on HAPP but they are just elitests. HAPP is what you would find on any north american street fighter cabinet pre SFIV. If I was gonna build a stick from scratch it would have a HAPP stick and Sanwa Buttons. I would mimic the size of the Madcatz TE. it looks huge but it is very comfy to play. And I would use and American style straight 6 button layout. I plugged the first 2 buttons on my TE for a straight 6 layout. I found that I don't use the 'cheater buttons' when playing with a joystick. that wiring job up there is just lazy. I've seen a lot of really neat and tidy wire jobs, so nice that the makers use lucite bottoms to show off the workmanship.
  22. THIS is the way it should look.... Unfortunately, it wont.
  23. Olivia Munn's Chun Li isn't the best. She's a much better Princess Leia
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