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Everything posted by Inky

  1. hahah you look like Boris Karloff in that one.
  2. don't forget the ultra crappy 1990 Captain America movie.
  3. My daughter got digital photogaphy as an elective...... I am so screwed. I might as well just go out and sell a kidney for an SLR right now.
  4. a perfect getaway. it was OK but tried to hard to misdirect from the obvious twist. the first half of the film was kinda boring too.
  5. Silent Hill and Sorority Row. I had seen SH before but didn't really remember much about it. it was OK. Sorority Row is a waste of film.
  6. no in other words I don't like them. actually those are the same words I used the first time. reading is fun-duh-mental. What do you think of FMV games Inky? oh I LOVE FMV games, cuz i'm so good at them. ya know, I don't like mushrooms either, it must be cuz I suck at eating them.
  7. no in other words I don't like them. actually those are the same words I used the first time. reading is fun-duh-mental.
  8. I played the PSP god of war for a grand total of 25 minutes because of QTEs. deleted that crap off my memory stick faster then Oprah can eat a bucket of chicken. I Love Shenmue with all my body (including my pee pee). But I would never replay it again due to QTEs. At this point I've been a gamer for like 25 years. I know what I like and what I don't. I don't have time or patience for retarded game mechanics.
  9. I hate quick time events. ALL QTEs suck. I will stop playing a game and toss it away over QTEs.
  10. high speed zombies and RE controls don't mix well. I prefer the first 3 REs as well. Nothing will top the 1st RE for me.
  11. at least he isn't putting all the couch cushions in the oven. best sleepwalking scene in a movie ever
  12. I wanna play uncharted 1 and 2. other then that......
  13. What drama? I see no drama here. I can't wait for Resident Evil 5. This game is going to kick Resident Evil 4's ass out of the water onto Resident Evil 3's old carcass down the riverbed into Resident Evil 2's hairy stash and the original Resident Evil on the donkey. what ever you say boss
  14. alright I removed LSD and added cky2k I also updated Krosigrim's tag.
  15. I'm pretty thankful I don't have allergy issues. being a walking snotbag for 2 weeks every few months doesn't sound to fun.
  16. and here I had stopped following this thread cuz I thought it was just RE5 discussion. I missed DRAMA.
  17. when the PS3 is hackable I'll consider getting one. not before.
  18. he must be high as a kite so say some crazy shizz like that
  19. data is being transmitted through the interwebs to me right now.
  20. why in the hell are you doing that?
  21. Yep, streets of fire is a badass movie. One of my favorite bands 'the blasters' are the band in the bar.
  22. watched Up with my girls. it was cute, and had some really sad and sweet parts to tug the parents heart strings.
  23. I've never had any luck with an electric razor either. and I have had a few, from $30 norelco to $130 Braun. they just don't work well. I also find that the more blades the easier it gets clogged. I stay away from the quattro and 3 blade razors. 2 blad disposables do fine. for me the ultimate home shave is an old school double edge razor in a heavy handle. hot shaving cream applied with a brush is nice too. I suggest every man go to a real barber shop and get a straight razor shave at least once in their lives. The works with hot steaming towel on the face and a razor honed on a leather strap.
  24. for laid back nothing beats Tiger Woods and a 6 pack.
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