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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I had a shit test the other day.... I failed. missed the toilet completely
  2. http://www.joystiq.com/2009/09/09/psa-swin...nfirmed-at-pax/ confirmed cases of swine flu at PAX, all those pasty nerds don't have the immune system for that. I know that Gabe(penny-arcade) and Scott Kurts(pvponline) were both complaining of flu like symptoms on twitter yesterday. this shit just got real yo.
  3. Godzilla and Mothra are imune to nukes. we need Lasers.
  4. I imagine that guy walking around with his shirt off all day singing danzig songs. MUTHAAAAAA!....... Tell yo chillin' not to walk my WAY!!!! GRRRAAFFFFHHH MUTHAAAAA!!!
  5. Can you look like this? that is one sweet mullet.
  6. does anyone really still miss the FAS?
  7. I love how now that Bush is out and Obama is in no one talks about the war anymore. it was the only thing you heard about for the last 6 years and now it's like 'lol wut?'
  8. the DC was the only system I ever pre-ordered and attended a midnight release for. I remember I traded like 25 PS1 games to finish the payment.
  9. I spent about 60 minutes between cigarettes last night, I'm doing AWESOME!
  10. I also enjoyed that movie. Jim Carrey was putting the pipe to Virginia Madson all over that movie. hahah. but seriously, I thought Carrey handled the more serious role well and retained just a hint of the goof ball we all know him as. He playes demented well.
  11. I got your back, up-rated for great justice!
  12. 1408 directors cut. the alternate DC ending is so much better then the theatrical.
  13. my momma said 'I'm to drunk to taste this chicken.'
  14. the number 23. it was good, way better then I was expecting.
  15. I've never really liked the psx controller.... I know the d-pad is 'better' (I'm not a fan of the d-pad on either myself, give me a snes or saturn style pad any day.) then the 360's but over all I like the 360's layout more. I like teh shape and heft of the 360 pad, a dual shock feels to small and flimsy in my meaty paws. alot of people buy into that monster cable mentality, that your TV cables have to cost 50 bucks and be gold plated, lol. I got a 5 dollar HDMI cable it does fine.
  16. Nay. I didn't enjoy it very much. Maybe I'm just a hater wanting to hate.
  17. I'm glad to see our advise ment so much to you. :-\
  18. Joking aside. really, I don't understand what the problem is. why is this an issue at all? I don't mean to bust Ryan's balls but I must have missed something between those days and now.
  19. since he feels so bad about it, I'm guessing 'NO'
  20. yeah drinking seems to be the main cause. I wouldn't worry about the incident too much though. just back off on the drinking, know when to say when. you can go out and have fun with out ever getting wasted. beer, water, water, beer or something like that. just to have a slight buzz and never go over that.
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