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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I still havent seen that one, been wanting to. I did see the original discovery channel special on that case years ago. it was very interesting.
  2. drag me to hell. it was surprisingly pretty decent. some cheesy effects in places but over all I liked it. I'm watching underworld right now. so far I'm not impressed.
  3. If you don't mind upgrading parts the madcatz street fighter IV stick may be what you are looking for. easy upgrades to Sanwa. http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-360-Street-Figh...5205&sr=1-2 but this would still put you over the 150 for the bundle you listed. and it's not wireless. every stick out for the 360 has a square gate. I like the octo gate too. thats what I have in my TE and Ex2. If you are not completely sold on a stick the madcatz fight pads are pretty nice too. way better then the original 360 pad. http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-360-Street-Figh...ref=pd_sim_vg_8 If you are more interested in building a stick you need to head over to the shoryuken.com forums. every thing you could want to know about building a stick is there. Building a stick is something I have always wanted to do.
  4. until I hear more about this stick I couldn't say. hori makes really nice sticks (the Hrap series) and just OK sticks (the ex2/VF5/DOA/Soul Calibur) the Madcatz TE stick I have is 150 bucks on it's own, if you don't want to spend that kind of money on a stick then this seems to be a really good deal. I have a hori EX2 and I think it is fine too, just not as nice as the TE. neither of mine a wireless. in general sticks get hard to find really quickly, so I would go ahead and grab it, if it's not to your liking you can sell it. just from the looks of it it looks nice, guide, start and back buttons are far enough away from the main buttons to keep you from hitting one in the heat of battle. I don't like the arc layout in general, but a lot of sticks have it and people love em. I prefer the straight American style. (think a SFII cabinet) with out knowing about the guts that's all I can say right now.
  5. Slower paced stuff works best. Like all those jrpgs. My son Plays sonic and Mario games with the keyboard no problem.
  6. I've been wanting to try e-cigs too. a friend of mine did totally get off the real stuff with one of those. but they are just too damn expensive.
  7. it looks like spiderman as a power ranger. whats up with the spats?
  8. My Momma didn't raise no Quiters. If you are gonna start something, See it through I say.
  9. it's LSD's Birthday! happy birthday buddy! drink your self into a stuper.
  10. I guess I am alone in thinking that looks fucking retarded.
  11. I'm really not stoked for a tron remake. Some things should just be left as they are.
  12. I can't tell the difference between 720p and 1080p sitting 6 feet from the TV. I'll Pirate it on PC just cuz I'm pretty sure there will be some cool user mods. there are already people making different skins for the Demo.
  13. noisy consoles don't bother me. hell the dreamcast sounded like a jet engine compared to the 360. I've got 'rock n' roll' ear anyways, I can't hear low stuff anymore.
  14. He would just take you to the Winchester every night, and forget your birthday.
  15. I've really been getting in to the 90's Alt-Country thing.
  16. she shoved a big rubber dong in your cornhole?
  17. way to dig up a 3 year old unpopular thread.......
  18. so this is possible, I was wondering about that. is it possible in windows XP? I remember back in the day the hard core techies would 'shotgun' two 56k modems for a 112k connection. but it required 2 modems, 2 phone lines, and 2 isp logins. not very cost effective back in the dark ages. but with all the open wifi signals around it this could be an interesting 'test'.
  19. O' Brother where art thou? and Step Brothers.
  20. well you get the option of being more complex, tossing batarangs and using the grapple to pull and stun dudes. later on different enemies arrive in the mobs that need to be stunned before attacking them or can only be hit from behind. plus you get two added upgrade moves, a throw and an instant takedown that you need a certain multiplier to pull off. in order to get the big combos you can't really button mash, cuz whiffing a punch will cause you to lose the combo, not to mention prolly get hit.
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