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Everything posted by Inky

  1. you know what I'm gonna say, 360 dude! (bill and ted Voice) you can set up a nice media center with the 360 if you network it to Vista. it can be bothersome at times though. Online gaming is usually very good on the 360, and there is ALWAYS someone from 1emu online it seems.
  2. I really wasnt into any of these fights. my guys Leben and Hermin both lost, I hope Hermin isn't seriously injured.
  3. The Derailers - Full Western Dress. I fucking love pandora!
  4. I've been slacking on new stuff too. while I'm at work I like to just watch old stuff I've seen a bunch of times, that way if I get busy or distracted it's not big deal to miss a bunch of the movie.
  5. Original Rocky was on the tube today so I stayed up past my bedtime to watch that.
  6. I know a guy who is so hardcore about stealing internet he will drive around and park infront of people's houses to get free internet. I've leached peoples wifi before but only for short periods of time. for instance I was updating my nephew's Wii with the latest hacks and didn't want to go through putting my wireless key into it so just stole the neighbors internet to do the updates.
  7. chankast is horribly out of date. I don't think it supports virtual drives at all. try NullDC.
  8. that was pretty damn creepy. that doll is scarier then chucky.
  9. I'm so glad I haven't had to worry about this stuff for many years.
  10. I played the hell out of it on release. My win record is horrible though. Me an kosigrim got some games of mvc2 in the other night. Kinda laggy. He still beat my ass hahah
  11. got all the riddler puzzles last night. I'm still at 87% for total game completion though. must have to finish all the challenges with 3 bats.
  12. I don't really remember what was exclusive and what wasn't. but ICO and Shadow of Collossus are must plays. perfect examples of games as art.
  13. it would be like when 2 mirrors are facing each other. infinate butts!
  14. get a tattoo of a butt.... right on your butt.
  15. how do you like my balls to your foot style. hmm? I am bleeding... making me the victor!
  16. You really don't like Sony do you? Apparently the $249 price point is temporary seeing as the Pro model is being discontinued. Anyways, that $249 price point for the 360 just makes me even more concerned for Nintendo. Can they really think consumers will look at the Wii and 360 and think "Nah, I want worse graphics, crappy online support, and the inability to watch movies". And that's just to start! that's why I said REMAINING. I'm just laying out alternatives.
  17. it looks like remaining xbox 360 pro bundles are being dropped to $249 next week. http://www.joystiq.com/2009/08/25/rumor-xb...aled-by-target/ poor sony.
  18. peanut butter and Jelly or turkey salad?
  19. thats interesting. I still don't trust piratebay.. or any public tracker for that matter. actually I was looking at my ratios on my privates and I've uploaded well over 1200gb in the last years and a half or so. not counting public trackers. I'm surprised TWC hasn't slammed the hammer on my nuts yet. one more reason to go back to usenet at least for a while.
  20. Lita has a roid face. look at some pics from her early days and you can tell the testosterone has been working overtime
  21. Ryan is the REAL KARATE KID! all he wanted to do was take the chubby girl to mini golf, but Johnny and his Cobra Ki's wouldn't leave him alone. so he waxed off thier asses.
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