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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I'm watching it right now.
  2. all right! I'll add that profile tomorrow if I get around to turning on my 360 lol.
  3. the xbox 720 may be out before will gets on line. :\
  4. now for something a little different Olympic Snowboarder Gretchen Bleiler
  5. this is sweet http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/076041c13...llad-of-g-i-joe
  6. The Pirate Gamer is live and getting updates on a semi regular basis.
  7. guild wars is one of those games that draws you back in every so often. I recently re-downloaded it too. (for the 4th or 5th time) I have since deleted it again though. I was thinking about going back into WOW free servers.
  8. I played quite a bit of the new Wolfenstein game on the 360. It is pretty decent. A good mix of classic and fantasy weapons. an upgrade system for your weapons. you have a 3 zone (so far) free roam area. when you exept a mission you move through the free roam areas to the mission start then the missions map loads. so it isn't true free roam like say Far Cry 2. It's keeping me occupied until Batman hits. hopefully batman will leak soon.
  9. I see you haven't got on as of yet. whats the word?
  10. I'm sorry to see you go Hera. I hope you reconsider, but I know how you feel. I was gone for a few years. I don't even remember why I left. or why I came back. but 1emu does get in your blood and under you skin at the same time. lol.
  11. self edited for being a sick bastard. I even made myself ill when I re-read it. hahah
  12. Inky


    the 'rapture' is never mentioned in the bible. there are a few passages in the new testement but they are debatable. it's made up by the evangelicals. building the alter doesn't do much good when the Muslims control the Temple Mount. In order to fulfill the prophesy they have to rebuild on the site where the DOme of the Rock is. I don't think The Muslims are giving up the Dome of the rock anytime soon.
  13. I haven't updated to the new NXE yet. but thats just cuz I haven't played my 360 in a few days. I'll update it tomorrow with no regrets. I'm not giving up live to run linux. I can do that on the OG xbox if I want to. and I don't.
  14. I heard that Forrest's Jaw is broken. and that the reason he ran out of the arena was because he couldn't hear out of one of his ears. Its hard to believe that much damage came from a backpedaling jab. ANderson needs to stay at 205 IMO, there is nothing left for him at 185. at 205 he has rampage, rashad, Lyoto and a few others to test him.
  15. thats bad ass. I was just joking, but now I totally want to see a thundercats movie.
  16. dude I am the same way. if it weren't for my wife I wouldn't remember anyones birthdays
  17. yeah radio shack is way overpriced. I haven't even been in that place in years. uh what do I have? I've been thinning my collection a bunch. so I am not exactly sure. hahah. SFIV, MvC2, SFII:HD, GTA4, VF5, Midnight CLub, a bunch of FPS. I wouldn't know unless I looked cuz I never play em. I may still have orange box but I think I gave to the guy who bought my banned 360.
  18. damn, I got rid of every game on your list.
  19. we need a Thundercats movie. Hugh Jackman as Lion-O The Rock as Panthro Angelina Jolie as Cheetara Zac Efron and Miley Cyrus as Wily-kat and Wily-kit Mark Wahlburg as Tygra Thomas Haden Church as Mum-Ra The Vocal stylings of Seth Rogen as Snarf that would be sweet.
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