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Everything posted by Inky

  1. you can just flash it. you may need a pandora battery for the job but once it is flashed it will do everything you want.
  2. took my fight night boxer to 50-0 and retired him for like 200 achievement points. promptly took the fight night disc and threw it in the trash. I need to refocus on ghostbusters and Call of Jaurez before KOF comes out.
  3. the resident evil iphone game is pretty good too.
  4. the only thing that can make noise are the fans. or the dvd drive. those are the only moving parts in the whole damn thing. take of the side of the case and get down there and listen.
  5. sometime 5 minutes is all you need. I haven't played a serious game in like 3 or 4 days. just quick shots of doom for ipod touch or mahjong.
  6. they are in an anime style. here ya go, fuck MSpaint. paper and pen ftw
  7. two words, wacam tablet. really cool stuff. I really enjoyed the Joker and Deadpool. not so much the anime.
  8. lol that's a good one.
  9. I don't read that as rednecks. I read it as illegal mexicans. And it's not true.
  10. I dunno if cool video games and a million dollars is worth MJ's dick in my ass.
  11. 9 times out of 10 I turn the music off or all the way down in the options. and I've never come across anything I would want to listen to away from video games.
  12. here's a little taste of what I was into on the 4th.
  13. I'm pretty sure thats the way it happened. He was using his Samuel L Jackson voice as well.
  14. in hindsight it's pretty stupid to get married on a big holiday weekend. getting hotel and dinner reservations is always a nightmare. everyplace is always crowded.
  15. it was more interesting before it was revealed to be known species, and we could speculate that it was shit monsters
  16. w00t! 13 year wedding anniversary! this will be our 6th or 7th Hootenanny this is my favorite weekend of the year.
  17. do you get paid as a volunteer? like when you go out on calls?
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