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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I'm too lazy to work those kinds of hours.
  2. street fighter is very frame dependent. a fireball is X frames, a standing fierce is x frames. a game like that can't drop or add frames. pro street fighter players can tell you exactly how many frames are in a dragon punch and who has frame advantage in any given situation. allowing the game to drop or add frames would ruin that high level timing.
  3. The compatability tool runs at 27 fps on my pc. =\
  4. my sisters place is like that. she has a huge ass bathroom, bigger then my bedroom. and inside is a tiny room with a toilet. Its weird.
  5. happy birthday, zero post loser. :D

  6. 3 weeks in internet time is an eternity. I'm surprised as many people came back as it is.
  7. Just watched The Taking of Pelham 123 pretty bad ass movie. Travolta plays a bad ass so well.
  8. seperate. as far as I know only Shadowrun allows cross platform play.
  9. I was playing the ipod doom game on the toilet today. the only reason I left was cuz I needed a cigarette.
  10. I would use canned bacon for optimal cookie taste
  11. feels about the same to me. all the coinops only posters haven't returned yet. but the core posters are all pretty much back.
  12. she bit his lip and wouldn't let go. so he gave her 5 across the eye.
  13. I love usenet, but my ISP has a crappy newsgroups policy. My issue with usenet is the retention. If you don't grab something quickly it will fall off the server. then you have to hope for someone to repost. I payed for Giganews for quite some time until I got on blackcats and bitsoup. my DL speeds from them is near max. the majority of isohunts seeds come from piratebay. I'm sure most PB users will migrate to mininova or demoniod. those are the only other large publics i can think of.
  14. Set the turbo's for the link challenges. it works for most of them. thats how I got all Bison's challenges. the only ones it doesn't work for are like Chun, Blanka and Honda due to the button spam specials. But I gave up on trials a long time ago. some are just insane and would never be used in a match.
  15. I have 4 kids and a wife, the bathroom is the only place I can find absolute peace in my house. I have been known to stay in there for 30 minutes or more. LOL that happens to me all the time.
  16. I like weirdy's suggestion.
  17. I wonder who the first guy was that thought: who knew it would be like chocolate and peanut butter. edited in this great picture I made
  18. Nah, the charges were dropped, they both beat the hell out of each other. he just wanted to slap his troubles away. so he could be in a great mood all day.
  19. I'm over the Wii for the second time. It's been on craigs list twice, but no takers.
  20. Chinese Connection (or fist of fury I've seen it labeled as both.)
  21. yeah I became a vampire at the end of the black hand missions. I remained a vampire for a while, then did the mission to cure myself. I didn't encounter any game breaking bugs during that time.
  22. every one hates on Oblivion. I see nothing wrong with it myself. And I LOVED Morrowind.
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