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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I bet those kids want to kick a dead "rat"
  2. Battlefield Heros. about to jump in again. Fight Night Round 4. no button control = booo. you just can't be as accurate with the total punch control stick. also a bit of Resident Evil Archives on the Wii. I don't like how they changed things (new mansion rooms and item placements) but didn't bother to update the controls.
  3. I love how when someone dies everyone forgets what a terrible person they were and its all bubblegum and sunshine. can't wait till OJ keels over. it should be like Martin Luther King died.
  4. I'm a car guy.... just not a foreign post 1960's car guy.
  5. Rocky 2006. wow that was actually pretty good. only the last half hour was about boxing.
  6. I created a group for 1emu members http://www.battlefieldheroes.com/groups/2222
  7. hahah Drake is kicking my ass every time I turn around.
  8. OMG OMG! this shit is so fun! cartoon style art. (TF2 ripoff) 3rd person shooting, jeeps, tanks and planes. basic capture point style play. there is a micro transaction angle to it. but you also earn some points that can be used for non-premium stuff. I might add about 5 or 10 bucks to my account but I don't see the need right now.
  9. this kid is now an internet superstar. someone needs to do a remote in the ass/slapchop rap mashup!
  10. one less child molester in the world.
  11. if it's fake the kid is a good actor, if I was trying to film that I'd break out laughing within a minute. hahah. either way, fake or not it's funny as hell and that's all that matters to me.
  12. Battlefield Heros is in public beta. sign up! it's free. post your user name here. mine is Garageink of course
  13. when he get under the blanket fully clothed then emerges in nothing but his scoobie doos I was like WTF happened!
  14. http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2009/6/24/ haha
  15. HAHAHAHAH at about 1:10 he tries to shove a remote up his ass.
  16. I can't believe Kimbo got into TUF, I'm surprised Dana let him in. regardless, barring a house full of chumps, I don't see him making it far, he has been exposed. and hopefully there will be a decent Wrestler or Jitz guy to take him out early. I don't see Dana putting Chuck in with anyone who could really hurt him. I seen him make a statement that as chuck's friend he did not want to see him fight anymore. I think Chuck from 3 years ago would destroy Kimbo, but now... I dunno. Diego Sanchez was a beast in his last fight. KenFlo is gonna have his hands full if Diego comes into that fight the way we saw him last Saturday. I was SO GLAD that Demarques (sp) got his ass beat. He's a douche and I couldn't stand him from the first episode of TUF. Nate Diaz did not impress me and I was SHOCKED he won the split.
  17. quote for truth. I don't see the draw of those games.
  18. Ohh so the king of vaporware jokes goes on for a few more years.
  19. that trailer looks good, but the problem with that is the trailers for the village, the happening, unbreakable, Lady in the Water, and Signs looked good too, but in the end.... Burned. M. Night can make a good trailer. thats for sure. other directors should just hire him for their trailers.
  20. Jack Black hasn't made me laugh since the old Tenacious D stuff. And I'd be willing to bet the other guy wrote most of the material. Shamalamadingdong hasn't made a decent movie since the 6th sense. anyways I am derailing your topic...
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