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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I didn't vote because I don't think it really matters. but I do find that the lighter skin (not white) is easier on the eyes. a white skin is to bright, and the darker skins can tire my eyes out over time.
  2. LOL M. Night Shamalamadingdong. that dude is like Jack Black... one decent movie and he's a freakin' super star. but disappointment after disappointment and people still hold them in high regard. I don't get it. I suppose this Avatar movie will have one of M. Night's patented "I seen it coming a mile away" surprise twist endings. "OMG, He's a ghost!" "OMG, the town is in modern times New Jersey!!1"
  3. I really haven't played anything for a few days now. just quick games of magic on the work PC when it's quite.
  4. I'm sorry Ken, that's all I can say. I hope you and your little one can hang in there.
  5. no one reads the blogs. if it isn't posted here it didn't happen.
  6. bluegrass is pimp ass shit homie. really I love all Americana roots music. and bluegrass is one of the most challenging styles of music to play. it's usually really fast paced with lots of weird chord changes. not to mention fitting in amongst a lot of odd instruments.
  7. LSD has the most beastly, annoying Abel around. He made me wanna cry.
  8. I suggest that you DO NOT read these lyrics. I warned you! you dirty bastard.
  9. I can't make any suggestions about jRPGs cuz they suck. but Mass Effect, Fallout 3 and Oblivion are good choices for wRPGs. If you are planning to get on live soon I would look into something with solid multiplayer. I think MvC2 comes out next week!!
  10. that's the key, forcing yourself for about a week or so to get it ingrained as habit.
  11. getting drunk before noon means you are an alcoholic. unless you work graveyard then it's alright.
  12. forbidden kingdom would be so good without the western kid time travel angle. Fearless is bad ass too. Unleashed is my favorite Jet Li movie.
  13. those are the only add-ons that I miss. the top poster is essential to seeing which one of us late nighters will reign each day
  14. I'm gonna refrain from cursing in this thread.
  15. For those that didn't follow us to 2emulation, what's been going on in your lives the last 3 weeks? Me, I got a pretty painful back injury from skating a pool. but it's nearly better now. I felt better yesterday then I do today actually. I have no idea how long it's gonna hurt. without 1emu have you been getting more work/school/hobbies done? tell us!
  16. I only like standard american style "funny" cartoons. the only anime that I ever got into was Macross and gundam. but gundam dragged on too long with all the offshoot series.
  17. Agreed. Could you tell me what you found disappointing? I want to see if anyone else shares my gripes. well I didn't have really high hopes to begin with, but it feels like a spiderman game and a hulk game had a baby and put it up for adoption in Malawi. the story line is OK but the graphics look pretty shit compared to the screenies I remember from last year. The AI is dumber then a bag of hammers. It's a button masher where you really don't have to mash buttons. at least there are no QTEs, that's one saving grace.
  18. grats on the new console! hopefully we'll be able to get together and game sometime soon. my 360 is starting to act up. it doesn't want to read most of my discs for about 30 minutes after I turn it on.
  19. Tiger Woods 10 - me and the wife love us a round of golf and mexican beers. Ghostbusters - pretty sweet IMO. Prototype - pretty disappointing IMO M:tG Duels of the Planeswalkers XBLA - pretty sweet for getting people into Magic and filtering them to the real cards or MTGO. but for old tymers it just made me want a full featured program. so I reloaded MTGO and quickly realized I would have to spend a shit ton of money to get up to date and competitive. so I hunted down the '99 Microprose game and have been playing that on my home and work computers.
  20. hmmm, since we have been down I saw friday the 13th. fell asleep before the end. lol other random crap includes, cube zero, anchorman, step brothers, teeth, and I dunno what else.
  21. Dead Snow. crazy. nazi zombies attacking a group of med students on a ski trip. subbed from swedish or some shizz like that.
  22. do what gavin said. make a NEW silver account and download the update while signed in to the silver account. after that all should be fine.
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