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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I skated for almost 10 years. like non stop. that was back in the ramp and pool days. before all the flip tricks and whatnot they do today. I hear that the Palm Springs skatepark has a perfect recreation of the famous nude bowl. I'm half tempted to steal a kids board and go check it out.
  2. Watched some version or sequel of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre this afternoon. I thought it was gonna be the 2007(?) remake but it was something from the 80's or 90's with Renee Zelwiger and Mathew McConoughy. it was funny to see those 2 big stars in some lame horror movie.
  3. I'm not sure if I want to see the new terminator. these new visions of old classics kinda suck IMO. I am gonna watch the original tonight and see how it holds up and if I wanna see the new one from there. of course I'll prolly get sidetracked with something different. I found a site with nothing but skateboarding videos and have been sucked into watching all the old videos from my youth.
  4. played some Tatsonoko Vs Capcom. the final boss is really hard. makes Seth look like a fancy lad. finally won the 185 title on UFC09. Knocked Anderson TFO. then I started a 170 character. I'm comin' for you GSP!
  5. I made a suggestion a while back for like a little poker program or something. it would be nice if we could use our post credits for something other then the attack system.
  6. just got to work. seems like it's gonna be a quite night. After i get cought up on the threads here and check my short list of sites I may watch the OG terminator later. Episode 6 or harper's island is first on the list though.
  7. any pirate worth his salt would choose newsgroups if at all possible. torrents are only fast if everyone is seeding. the only way every one seeds is on a private tracker. so hence you need to get on a private tracker.
  8. my wife and kids are playing the hell out of sims 3. I played alot of Peggle on ipod touch last night.
  9. the wired 360 pads will plug directly in. they are just standard USB. windows will download the driver and you are good to go.
  10. dead space bored me to tears with in a few hours.
  11. oops I ment to post a direct link. The one you want is 13mb. I'm very happy with it my wiu was sitting in a closet for many months before this resparked my interest.
  12. back on topic. punch out. sweet in an old school way. House of the dead: Overkill. also sweet in an old school way. but my wrist is killing me now. you have to hold the wiimote in an odd way. maybe I need one of those gun things the wiimote plugs into.
  13. OK here is the package I put together http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=4b5d7a9...04e75f6e8ebb871 extract it to a formated sd card. put the sd card in your wii. this is the part I am fuzzy on, I don't remember if it automatically asked me to run boot.dol or if I had to go into the options/data management/sd card. when it asks to run boot.dol say yes. you now have the homebrew channel. open that up next. from the homebrew channel sellect cIOS36rev10 and choose wad install. restart. back to the homebrew channel. now select the DVDx and install that. finally in the homebrew channel select wadmanager 1.3 from there choose which loader you need I used the regionfrii one. push the + button to select it then it will prompt you to press A. don't select a wad that starts with "._" those are backups or something. thats it. put your back up in, go to the loader channel and press load. check the options and change the hook type to default if need be. now you can delete everything on the sd card. keep the apps folder. that is where you will place any emulators or other homebrew you want to load from the homebrew channel. I've tested this method with 5 different games, from older to the latest. NTSC and JAP. I have not tested a pal game on my NTSC system yet.
  14. once you put the stuff on SD card it's all done form the wii. that pack will work but I have found some updated stuff that will make things go smoother. I'll try to get it all together and get you a new link tonight. Are you running Backups or what? I'll put it this way. I do not rent games. I have only bought 3 retail for games for all my systems combined in the last 2 years. take from that what you will.
  15. other then the wifi problem I never had an issue with 7. I am by no means a "power user" and I liked the little things in 7. but my internet dropping out every 30 minutes is a deal breaker. they better have that sussed out before release. googling seems to show it as a pretty common problem.
  16. Cribbage kinda fun. I learned to play that one in the pen.
  17. so what are they. now I mean GOOD games. there is so much crap on the roster it's hard to know what is decent.
  18. The fresh maker, Freshy K is celebrating a birffday today!
  19. some slowdown during cut scenes in mario galaxy. but gameplay wise it's perfect so far.
  20. I joined but nothing had more then 2 or 3 seeds.
  21. for 2 days my PC would lose connection to my WIFI every 30 minutes, and I would have to reset my PC to get it back.. today I said flock it and formatted back to XP. flock windows7, flock Vista. XP has never let me down.
  22. hori makes a wii stick that is basically a dumbed down HRAP. I played the game with the wiimote and nunchuck. it wasn't terribly hard but I am gonna grab one of those classic controllers soon.
  23. modding a Wii is so ridiculously easy now you should do it. it takes like 3 minutes from start to finish. check the bannerbomb thread in the wii section. I should have the package I am working on complete tomorrow.
  24. tested some wii games today. Mad World. seems cool, the graphics style is awesome. the brutality for points reminds me of the club. Mario Galaxy. just played it for a few minutes. controls like mario64 for the most part. the planets seem like they are too small, and simple. I wonder if they get bigger later. Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. FLocking sweet. I had no idea what I was doing or what mode I was in but I need a classic controller ASAP cuz playing with the wiimote and nunchuck just doesn't cut it.
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