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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I found error #002 can be fixed by updating to cIOS36rev9 no patching needed on madworld so far. I'm looking for updates to all the programs needed before I put to gether a proper pack for upload.
  2. dude Uno and Skipbo are the best not standard card games ever.
  3. I played tonk about 2 days straight on a train from FLA to CA back when I was 18. since then I've never met anyone who knew what it was. I myself can't really remember how to play.
  4. I liked Lincolns repeater. can't forget the alien blaster.
  5. The Who are to busy rockin' out to Pinball wizard to fuss with the pig cold.
  6. VF has always been the more technical of the 3d fighters. where as Tekken is more about memorized combo strings. (not that there is anything wrong with that.) what I like about Tekken is the control scheme. one button per limb, back to block, not to many complex stick movements. I hate button to block games. for some reason I can never get used to them. I guess cuz I grew up playing SF and not MK.
  7. if there is one thing the xbox live community is good at, it's ruining online games. griefers, cord pullers, shizz talkers, screaming little kids, mouth breathers, you name it. lol.
  8. so it worked for you solidius? I still haven't got to test it yet. how did you fix your error just in case I come across the same one. I should be able to test it in the morning. My PC has been acting retarded all day. I looked a bit into the usb iso loader and the only downer for me is your usb drive has to be formatted to the wii file system. I am not formatting my back up drive for that. maybe I can partition the drive and format a small portion to test. Robert. I don't think it contains any copyrighted material. it's basically just the bannerbomb, correct cIOS, (I'm not sure if the cIOS is derived from Nintendo code.) dvd loader and backup loader. all in the correct file tree. after I've tested it to make sure it works correctly I need to write a proper readme outlining the steps.
  9. online has become incredibly not fun. I still enjoy arcade mode, trial mode and heads up with my son or whoever comes over.
  10. this. but I did hear it was crappy, even from people who are fans of his.
  11. last I'd heard about that it had a bad framerate. did they get it running at correct framerates now? and to any Mod I put together a little package of the needed files. is it ok to post it here or in spam perhaps?
  12. well I installed it, and the homebrew channel, along with some other things we can't talk about here. currently waiting on some backups to be "backed up" so I can test.
  13. more UFC. Had a title fight with Anderson Silva. it was going well, I was winning the round. dare I say kicking his ass, when all the sudden I was down, mounted and beaten to a pulp......
  14. sweet scores! I'm sure you can still get GC controllers. maybe have to go the local used game store, amazon or ebay route. what version of the gameboy is it? color or one of those old fat ones? I never find anything but then I am not usually looking. My mom is always coming up from stuff people throw away. she is always grabbing PCs and fixing them up then selling them for cheap to people she knows in her apartments. She got one of those old style rear projection TVs, it was like 56 or 60 inches. freakin' huge. She traded it for one of those adjustable beds.
  15. nice, no need for a specific game to get it going huh? I'll finally mod my wii. will this allow backups or only homebrew? EDIT: never mind found my answer. looks like I have a project this weekend!
  16. I've been playing with the unlockable bionic commando classic skin.
  17. Bionic Commando. the swing mechanic is crap, they should have made it more like spiderman and less like going to the dentist. No fine precise aiming. but then they want you to get a bunch of headshots for a challenge. WTF? Bionic Commando: Rearmed is a better game. UFC 09 Unleashed: awesome so far. I don't like how slow it seems during the training weeks, checking emails and stuff seems to take to long. I made a boxer/wrestler for my first character.
  18. Tekken has always had crazy (lame?!) characters. there are fighting bears in it for chrissakes, not to mention dinosaurs, kangaroos and robots.
  19. I've had that sitting on my counter for over a week, I'm just gonna send it back.
  20. sacred 2. god what a waste of a disc. my last disc at that. I had been patiently saving that last disc for UFC 09. but I got impatient. mistake.
  21. maybe they were playing track and field.
  22. not video game commercial put still related and funny as hell.
  23. I've been avoiding the add ons like the plague. I don't want to sink money into them and I have heard they are all really buggy.
  24. Resident Evil for the Ipod touch/iphone. it's got the slower pace of old RE games which I like, graphics look bad ps2ish. really it's pretty impressive for a mobile phone game. I haven't got a lot of time with it cuz my ipod was almost dead when I started playing. I have Sacred 2 downloaded for the 360 but haven't burned it yet. I need to hit best buy for some dvds.
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