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Everything posted by Inky

  1. yeah there is alot of stuff coming but most of those are all a month or 2 away. so I need to fill in the holes.
  2. if you think about it it's pretty sweet, a place to stay. someone to drive you around, someone plugged into the local area, so you aren't searching for cool things to do and you aren't going everywhere alone. add that dude was prolly paying for dinners and such. plus I'm sure there was some attraction there. it's the perfect international vacation.
  3. hmm I do have a laptop that is rarely used. no one would miss it if it were tethered to the xbox permanently. thanks for all the tips guys. I hit a snag though. I can't find the Av cable or the controllers. so if I go forward I need to invest some money. (wasn't planning on it, just a side project to keep me occupied during the dry summer video game season. so I dunno)
  4. my brother in law met a girl online from Australia a few years ago, she came all the way out and spent like 2 weeks with him. then that was it. I guess it is the thing to do for aussie girls to meet American dudes on line and use em as a place to stay while on vacation.
  5. they say he's retarded, but them titties ain't retarded!!
  6. great concert photos Jit! I didn't get any at Coachella or Stagecoach. (I was supposed to be working ) next concert for me will be hootenanny on july 4th.
  7. I'm about to. Post em up chris. Cuz that's what I was born to do!. and the original gangsta
  8. and putting it in the bedroom strictly for emulation. anyone know a cheap as free way of wirelessly networking an og xbox? I don't wanna run cat5 all around the house. emulator suggestions? coinops should handle all my cps1/2, and NeoGeo needs right? SNES? NES? I've got a bunch of emulators on there now but they are horribly out of date. I should prolly update the dash too. I've always used XBMC. is that still the best option? any other suggestions?
  9. I have 2 white ones and a black one. the pad on the black one seems a bit better, but not much. I did the d-pad mod to a wired controller a while back but it has since broke and gotten tossed. the d-pad mod seemed to help some but not worth all the time and trouble it takes to preform. I have the SFIV pad too, it's good but I prefer my sticks. and 40 bucks is a little much for a wired 3rd party controller IMO.
  10. I want Vanessa damnit. I heard K and Mai might be DLC.
  11. http://www.hulu.com/watch/72434/saturday-n...over#s-p1-st-i1
  12. you have to grow up on those really hard NES games to really appreciate what it was like to be a kid in the 80's with no gamefaqs to tell you which boss to go for first in a megaman game. wondering around all day in metroid trying to figure out what to do. it was nightmarish. No one mentioned master blaster. you have to give that one a try.
  13. they have to be clean rips, (no modified XBEs which most scene releases have.) and they have to be ixtreme compatible. There are releases available now that are compatible.
  14. dead horses are not safe around you are they?
  15. Book of blood exactly what you would expect from clive barker.... lots of blood, some sex and pretentious dialog. 3/5
  16. gotta have that big dual screen Punch Out. and Street fighter 1 with the huge foam buttons.
  17. anyone still playing? I got smashed by BK 10-zip this afternoon. lag wasn't really an issue Cali to Australia. I felt sluggish all day, like my hands and brain were connected by 56k or something, lol.
  18. watched the first 10 minutes of star trek before I lost interest and switched to Anchorman. I also watched a few of episodes of "out of the wild: the Alaska experiment" which I am totally addicted to now.
  19. the arcade I grew up next to was like that, they sold hotdogs and nachos. I'd have pool, air hockey, and foose ball. a few pinball machines, 2 or 3 four slot neo geo cabs. load em up with metal slug and SNK fighters. a nice mix of beat em ups, and shooters. a few mame cabs for the older stuff. the newest fighters would have to have 2 to 4 cabs each, set up for tournament play. I'd slap a old style juke box in there and some big screens. have football on sundays, ufc events, boxing whatever. it's really too bad that the arcade is dead in most of the world.
  20. can you pass the DC through the DVD player?
  21. a guy at work just said this to me. (in regards to another guy at work that would fit right in to the pathological liars thread)
  22. and don't say flocking Japan. more realistic, like within your own country or at least continent. My wife and I are seriously considering getting out of california in the next year or 2. it's a tight race between southern oregon, northern arizona and colorado.
  23. me too. I've been saying "stop having a boring tuna, stop having a boring life" to my wife for 3 or 4 days now. it's not going over well....
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