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Everything posted by Inky

  1. see if your router is listed here http://www.phenoelit-us.org/dpl/dpl.html maybe whoever set it up didn't change the default password. also may wanna look to see if there is a reset button on the back. hold that in for 5 to 10 seconds.
  2. it's official. I'm the worst street fighter of 1emu. lol LSD's Abel is monsterous. Kiss has a mean, mean dan. add those ass whoopins to bambi's sakura, K's chunli and Shoma's Gouken, Gief, and some others I blocked from memory. hahaha. anyone else who hasn't had their turn at smacking around Inky feel free to invite me.
  3. what kind of router? wireless or wired connection? you should be able to change the nat settings in your routers options.
  4. I never try to invite you cuz you are always on netflix
  5. you are one of the bosses, break dem rules at your leasure.
  6. I can't break 1000bp to save my life. of course 2 days of 100% dan didn't help. hahah.
  7. cool are you gonna be playing later? I was thinking of jumping on in a few minutes. I wonder how the lag will be between us?
  8. Look at some of those torrents of yours and see where half of those peers are from. all those peers are from a private tracker. I dun use public for nuthin.
  9. well PB is still there. only nubs use pirate bay anyways. there are much better private and public options.
  10. I am. Hopefully I'll be able to grab them right after they air. if not then in the morning. have you been watching the ultimate fighter?
  11. come on now, I posted that both you and K' smacked me around in the street fighter thread in the lounge.
  12. the focus cancel is giving me fits. I' am trying to get some hard trials done and I can't get past any trial with a FADC. I did manage to finish all Bison's Hard Trials. Then I decided to Play nothing but Dan online last night. hahaha. I only won like 2 matches but they were all against Flowchart Kens with 2000+bp. lol I'm sure they were pissed to be loosing to a Dan with like 300bp. hahah
  13. no one is cheap, play the characters you want to.
  14. watched about half of it last night. that was all I could stand.
  15. some live stuff from viva las vegas. man I wish I was there. http://www.vivalasvegas.net/
  16. Nice kicks. ^^ heh..I like the cheeky grin. Cheeky? I see evil intent...... I like that pic. you defiantly look like a scheming evil mastermind in it. like what I imagine the bad guy on inspector gadget looked like.
  17. I have taught a few friends about emulation in the past. but I found it is more trouble then it is worth, fielding tech calls about why zsnes won't play sonic and whatnot. now I don't talk about it at all. my friends don't know that I am into emulation or piracy. that way I don't have to be a teacher.
  18. i took those once and it made me sleep but i had nightmares everynight i took it I was taking that for a while. cuz I work at night they say I don't get enough melatonin (that you get naturally from the sun) it works well for me. no nightmares. but I hardly ever have a dream I remember anyways. my sleep is seriously messed up. most days I sleep for 3 to 4 hours in the morning, then another 3 to 4 at night. then on wednesdays I will stay up pretty much 24 to 26 hours just to be awake with my wife on our day off together. on wed and thu I will sleep at night. back to work on friday so that day I get almost no sleep again since I had slept the night before. it sucks ass.
  19. my sisters mother in law is 90. she can hardly walk, she can't do her own grocery shopping, she can't clean her own house. the only time she leaves the house it to go to the hospital. thats not living. yeah if you are still happy with life like that then by all means fight for life, but if you've had enough of life at that point who is the state to stop you from moving on? just as people say "it's my body" for the whole drinking, smoking, drugs debate" I think that should extend to their life as well.
  20. I'm all for it. seriously. if it's time to go then it's time to go. I actually think modern medicine is keeping us alive for to long. and just keeping us alive with out hope in some cases. our bodies weren't meant to live that long.
  21. good games to Wizard and Shoma I got smacked around by both of em but what the hell it was fun.
  22. seriously, everyone says WTF. but if i convince them to try it they love it. one little chocolate milkshake covered fry won't hurt ya.
  23. So you want to legalize something that would not benefit anyone health wise but for money gain? That's what is wrong with this country. Nobody cares about other people..just their wallets. Don't take that offensively bro 'cause I like ya but I don't think that kind of moneywise attitude will work out for everybody. Then again, I can't fault you for thinking that way because nobody cares about us anyway..so this reply is pointless haha I understand you had a horrible experience, hell I had a horrible experience with an alcoholic father, but they aren't gonna make blue ribbon illegal anytime soon. I don't agree with you that weed is a gateway drug or any more harmful then legal and heavily taxed cigarettes and alcohol. the state of California is in a hell of a debt, they raised our sales tax from 7.75 to 9.25%, my car registration was 70 bucks last year and this year it is 125 bucks, according to the current plan my car registration will double again next year. cigarettes went from 3.50 to 5 bucks OVERNIGHT. legalized and taxed Marijuana would inject MASSIVE amounts of money into the Treasury, stimulate the economy and push local ganja slingers out of business. I'm not too far above the poverty line with a large family. I have to think money wise ALL THE TYME.
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