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Everything posted by Inky

  1. if they legalized pot and taxed it like they do cigarettes... well then maybe I wouldn't have to pay 9.25% tax on everything else, and wait 4 months for my state tax return.
  2. DUDE! I dip my fries in my Wendy's frosty! great minds think alike.... or at least eat fries alike.
  3. I only add gamertags of people who post them in this thread. That way no one gets added who doesn't want to be. Gamecop hasn't posted it here yet.
  4. updated the list with Rag, Shoma and Snow Patr0l. people, make sure you mention 1emu when you invite from the list. I get friend requests all the time and I don't know who they are. so I deny them. only to come here days later and see it was a 1emu guy.
  5. I'll watch the movie when it hits my favorite streaming sites. doesn't look like something I'd pay for though.
  6. Inky


    R4 doesn't work on em. So no.
  7. yeah the Lite-ons need a special probe for the initial firmware dump. if you don't have your original firmware backed up on your PC I believe you'll need a probe to dump the current firmware too. I still haven't gotten around to it. lol, nothing has come out worth the effort yet.
  8. I think that commercial is too funny. as for burgers, I'll always be a mcdonalds man. a double 1/4 pounder with cheese, fries and a chocolate shake is like eating god. you gotta dip the fries into the milk shake. (yeah everyone looks at me weird when I do that) Carl's Jr is second but their fries suck ass.
  9. they should make Machete a real movie. The Departed was on AMC today so I watched that, seen it before. it's good.
  10. unless there are square sponges, floating french fry boxes, candy addicted pirates or blonde elvis impersonators, I doubt I'd be interested. there could also be a cat and dog fused together at the ass.
  11. watched my little eye last night. strange but I couldn't stop watching it. am watching Who's Harry Crumb right now.
  12. yeah, you thought it would be good? I wish I knew you were on K' I woulda hopped on for a few rounds.
  13. Well im only 22yrs going on 23, what's the age limit exactly? The only thing that's really holding me back from going is college and also wondering, if everyone in the navy get's placed in a position where they need to kill people eventually, like for special ops or something.. I believe the age limit is 32, but if you are going to do it you would want to get started. you don't want to be the oldest guy in boot camp. lol anyways my dad was a pipe fitter (plumber on a huge scale basically) my step father was a radio operator and my father in law was a mechanic. they were all in Vietnam but never saw front line action. if you don't want to kill people avoid the marines and army, the navy and airforce are largely support roles who are not killing for a living.
  14. talk to a recruiter. they should answer all those questions. my dad and father in law were both in the navy, saw the world and learned skills that kept them working and being payed well all their lives. when you go for state and federal jobs veterans get considered first. insurance for life, the G.I bill. collage money. there are alot of benefits. if I could go back to 17 or 18 I would have joined, I think my life would have turned out a lot different.
  15. I feel your pain, I got to 1000, then quickly lost a bunch down to like 200. then fought my way back to 500ish now.
  16. May none of your chocolate bunnies be hollow.
  17. lol beat it with both characters. needs more levels. ROOOOAAAARRrRrRrrrrrrrrrrr..
  18. Nope, I have an allergic reaction to anime and jRPGs. just don't like em in general.
  19. just ordered a TE stick for 25 bucks over retail. well almost 50 bucks over retail after tax and shipping. already feeling the buyers remorse and the knowledge that I'll have to spend an equal amount on the old lady when she finds out....... damn impulse shopping.
  20. yes, no one else has the willpower to put them selves through that. I love me some achievements.. but not that much.
  21. I dunno, I am still sad about lack of vannessa
  22. plugging away at SFIV, got some hard trials out of the way but I am stuck now. played some ranked and lost a shi-tun of BP. once I get the 500 xbox live matches achievo I think I will be done with random online for a while.
  23. it's a pass unless they assure me there are more then 4 missions repeated over and over for 8+ hours.
  24. I disagree, smoke up drake. they are good for you. and all the cool kids do it. smoke em if ya got em. no seriously, don't start. it sucks.
  25. I dunno if keanu could pull it off or not, since all I know about cowboy bebop is man faye.
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