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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I can usually handle the sleep part well enough, but my wisdom tooth is starting to really mess with me. I need to go down to mexico and get them suckers yanked.
  2. she prolly has a furry suit.
  3. just found out I am working 12 hours.... midnight to noon. I got oh about 4 hours of sleep before work and that was saturday morning. so all told I'll be up 24hrs at least, on that stinkin' 4 hour nap. I've had 3 Rockstar coffee drinks today and they aren't doing shIt. and I can feel the pangs of my impacted wisdom tooth starting up again. (kids get them damn things taken out as soon as you can.)
  4. going on 3 weeks now. I saw he was on live earlier today. so he isn't dead. unless his killers took his 360.
  5. tell me if riddick is substantially different from the og xbox game. I don't want to spend the disc or ratio on a game I already played.
  6. I haven't gotten around to reflashing yet, flashing isn't hard it's just I hate opening the damn case. it's a fight every time, lol. 1.51 is the latest and supports wave3 (and supposedly any new waves that come after.)
  7. Johnny Dangerously classic, I haven't seen it in many years. Joe Piscopo is brilliant.
  8. Godfather 2 it's OK. broken into it's main pieces it;s much better then GTA IV. hand to hand fighting is better, driving is better, gunplay is about the same. Storyline is better, Don View is interesting. Taking over businesses, whacking rival made men. it's just the Cities that bring it down. instead of one large city. it's broken down into (2 so far) cities that are much smaller. It's a pain in the ass when you are in florida and you get a message that one of your businesses in New York is under attack. you can't just warp there, you have to drive to the airport and fly there, then drive to the business, or use Don's view to send cronies to try and handle it. but sending you're crew to handle something takes 2x as long as it would take you to do it yourself.
  9. current shows: Big Bang Theory How I met your mother 2 1/2 men My name is Earl The Office Paranormal State various Discovery/TLC/History/ect.
  10. cigarette prices have gone mental here in California. 2 weeks ago a carton was around 34 bucks. today.... almost 50. I heard about an Indian place where you can get generic brands for 14 bucks. I need to check into that.
  11. Momma didn't raise me to be no quitter.
  12. he is for the 15 minutes he is able to talk.
  13. watched it the other day. not bad but not great.
  14. has anyone reflashed for these new wave 3 games? I've just been avoiding them but it's getting to be a pain. so I guess I'll update my firmware today.
  15. RB from main menu, turn off fight request. Yeah seth is a beatch, he'll throw the first round to make you feel good then pwn you hard round 2 and 3. I'm currently stuck on Hard Time Trial 5 all boss characters. and Seth is in straight hard ass mode.
  16. it doesn't look like he really did much but I think you could reinforce a shoebox to be pretty durable. it's the lightness that would bug me, you'd have to weigh it down some.
  17. so are you excited for the new movie reboot? I'm not sure I could tolerate new actors playing those classic characters.
  18. I kinda enjoy some of the crazy gaming news that comes out today, then laughing at all the suckers who get excited or outraged.
  19. I'm not worried, my macs are safe. my desktop was just formatted a few weeks ago, doing it again would not lose anything. and my son's laptop could prolly use a format. I sorta hope he gets it so I have an excuse to format and install fresh on that system.
  20. he's got 3 posts, one per year. and none of them make any sense.
  21. for those of you with less then steller morals X-Men Origins: Wolverine is around the interwebs. I'll be busy for a few hours.. Edit: it's a work print and some of the digital effects aren't in place. makes some scenes kinda weird.
  22. bwahahah. I remember some crazy bong he made from a a soda bottle, hot glue, and like 1000 straws.
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