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Everything posted by Inky

  1. it's worth a watch, kinda big brother/the matrix in the real world if that makes sense.
  2. Eagle Eye not bad at all, better then I was expecting.
  3. 2 different video games should no be allowed to have the same initials.
  4. yeah I read Geekologie all the time. always crazy ass tags on the articles. that kid looks like the first season of the wonder years lol.
  5. kid doesn't even look 12 more like 9 or 10 lol. He dodged a bullet, he better take that to heart.
  6. With all the losses I've been taking, it's tempting to become a flowchart ken just to get some wins. LOL. But nah, I'm not that hard up yet.
  7. http://kotaku.com/5189361/kick-ass-with-shoebox-fight-sticks one upping the already infamous tupperware fight stick. http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-ga...orage-container I think the tupperware stick would be more durable. but for cheapness, shoebox stick wins.
  8. SHenmue was the first QTEs I can remember but I think God of war made em popular to put in every damn game these days. its more like playing simon says then a video game......
  9. Hey! that's my right as a gamer! anyways I gave up on Gears1 during the first underground mission, where it's all yellow goo everywhere. multiplayer was as I said, get killed right off the bat then wait forever to do it all again. I don't get how you are supposed to learn a game like that. Gears2 I never even tried MP since 1 left such a bad taste in my mouth, the single player seemed like more of the same. I'm not big on cover heavy games. I'm a run-n-gunner.
  10. No other game has better "kill satisfaction" then Gears. by "kill satisfaction" do you mean loading a multiplayer game, getting killed in 45 seconds then waiting 15 minutes to get back in?
  11. Really? Even the old highly collectable game&watch systems? And the virtual boy?
  12. some crazy ass combos in there. shows how quickly damage goes down with multiple hits. most of the enders did no damage. but could you imagine hitting someone with that stuff? instant will breaker. I wasn't looking at her face hahahah.
  13. what the hell is going on with all the QTEs these days. nothing makes me want to stop playing a game more then QTEs.
  14. forgot about my Wii..... yeah it's collecting so much dust it may become a fossil.
  15. although this could change a mans mind.
  16. Assassin's Creed was the biggest disappointment of 08 for me. I couldn't stand it. and it had such a good idea. the potential was there. hopefully a sequel will get it right.
  17. I keep meaning to go back to gears and find out what the hell people see in it.
  18. Chun li no doubt. although they are on the edge of overboard with her legs in SFIV. Sakura in her alt color 10 is where it is at for me though.
  19. SFIV. I had serious bad luck today. serious. Skate 2. they patched it up so the walking is better, but no more super bounce.... there is still some other bail glitch the leet haxors are doing online to ruin every ones fun. I'm never gonna get those online cheevos.
  20. the gameplay footie Gryph posted is pretty sweet. I'm excited for this one. it's about time Batman got a decent game.
  21. The PS3s special attack IS collecting dust. anyways my 360 gets it's work out at least a few times a week, sometimes every day. my PSP hadn't been turned on in idunno 6 months. It had a serious layer of dust on it. so I sold it to a friend for 100 bucks. I probably game more on my ipod touch than anything right now though. I find myself grabbing it all the time to have a few rounds of whatever silly games I got on there.
  22. how you figure I'M mad? I have to care to be mad and I really don't. you're nothing more then entertainment on a boring forum. stop telling me to read your previous comments, I've read and attempted to decipher every single incoherent post you've made in my thread, you stumble from one incomplete thought to another, peppered with stupid video game quotes. take your meds and get your thoughts together before you post. You are trying to get your troll badge in the wrong place buddy. I've played Wizard in more then a few iterations of street fighter, I have first hand knowledge of his ability. You are just a scrub with his chest puffed out until you prove otherwise. What's your beef with canada? there are a lot of canadians on this forum so you might wanna take your nationalism somewhere else. and no I'm not from Canada. oh yeah, you may want to lighten up on the "illiterate" comments when you can't even spell "they're" correctly.
  23. No means no Bambi. anyways I am refocusing on learning Akuma and I am gonna get you.
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