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Everything posted by Inky

  1. besides the ever present SFIV I played a bit of Legends of wrestlemania the last few days. yeah it sucks. I let my hatred for QTE be known in the RE5 thread... well LoW matches are pretty much QTE after QTE. flocking retarded. SFIV I've decided to go back to stick, I will get this stick under my control. I wasn't having any move issues with the street fighter pad, but I felt like over the last week I've been getting sluggish with it, I dunno if it is me or if the pad is malfunctioning (it is madcatz afterall) so I am relearning the stick.
  2. Gief isn't all that, he isn't broken, or unbalanced. I beat 4 giefs today and I am not that great. why you insist on arguing the point is beyond me. I know you never said you hate Sagat, you don't have to. from your reaction the moment He was mentioned it is painfully obvious that you've had some tough losses to the one eyes king of mui thai. your reaction to the mention of tiger spam indicates that you can't get around it. if you could you wouldn't care so much.
  3. you checked the volume slider on the youtube video right? sometimes I'll go to youtube and the slider will be all the way down. I don't know if someone else is turning it down or if it is a random site glitch.
  4. star trek never caught my attention. I've seen random episodes from most of the different series. but then as I've said before the whole space opera thing has never been my cup of tea.
  5. dude how retarded are you? you hate sagat, we get it. but to say you could have won all those tournies with absolutely nothing to back it up except you mouth is just showing what a social retard you are. you ought to just get your tickets to EVO cuz you are the best! comparing age to skill is double retarded. I was 16 when SFII came out. that means I must be able to beat Diego! Your own combos huh? yeah cuz there are soooo many combo options in the street fighter series. did you invent the jumping hard kick, crouching hard kick? or are you so leet that we can thank you for the crouching medium kick, sonic boom/flash kick mixups? thanks for those master! USA, Canada comment.. ... I'm gonna leave that one alone, wouldn't want you to get your rebel flag panties in a twist. Really you come to this tight knit forum, where most of us have been chatting with each other for YEARS. and you are just trying to start shit. which is fine really we need some entertainment. but as I said this is a tight knit forum, don't expect to come out the hero here.
  6. HAHAHAHAHAHA you really blew your cover there. take your trolling back to gamefaqs.
  7. gief is pretty under used online. I've only faced a few and none were really using him well. the online competition is really stiffening lately. as casual players are moving on to whatever is new. my record has taken a pounding......
  8. with pretty much a zero chance of piracy, the industry will be all over this if it works.
  9. ummmm use the filters that work. crazy idea I know.
  10. http://www.engadget.com/2009/03/25/video-o...ated/#continued one hour discussion and demo. edit: I've watched the entire thing. for those that don't have the time or want to watch a 54 minute video here is the sum: the guy behind this is the original developer of quicktime. much like Live it will be a subscription based service with games bought or rented on top of the monthly service. the hardware may be subsidized much like cell phones. OnLive has been in development for 7 years. thats most of the good stuff, lots of salesmen jibberjabber of course. at around 15 minutes in the is live demo with the server about 40 miles away.
  11. we need to do is get a 6 person 1emu party together in SFIIHDR. that would be fun I'd bet.
  12. work is keeping me up. =\ it's quite so far. maybe I'll be able to watch a movie.
  13. the most interesting thing to me is that if this were to work you wouldn't have to play the upgrade game anymore. theoretically you can play Crysis on a $300 laptop with this type of service. The Cloud is coming. weather anyone likes it or not. there is less and less reason to have a program installed on your hard drive as internet speeds go up. and just look at something like GGPO, latency and lag is getting handled better and better all the time.
  14. at SFIV. she pulled the old "I'm no good" okey doke. then commenced to smacking me around with her beast Sakura. I'll get my revenge though.
  15. http://www.joystiq.com/2009/03/24/gdc09-re...vice-and-micro/ if this type of thing could truly be pulled off it would be a revolution. It's basically like On demand movies from your cable or satellite receiver. I give it a70% chance of vaporware like the phantom. but if they manage to pull it off.... Sony, MS, Nintendo, Nvidia, and ATI would be in for a hell of a fight. color me interested
  16. well not those exact moments of course but you get my meaning. it's not scary. it's not suspenseful. there's never that moment where you realize you are well and truly flocked. so you turn tail and run past all kinds of baddies to get to the safe room for ammo. hell I'll even take those moments in Left4Dead when you accidentally set off a car alarm and quickly realize the shit is about to hit the fan.
  17. shipping one would be a nightmare. Best to find something sorta local I'd guess. Ghosty is right about billiard shops. and how about just going into pizza shops and what not asking the owners if they wanna sell. have you checked here? http://www.xmission.com/~daina/classified/...h_for_sale.html
  18. I want RE1 style but with next gen graphics and such. I want to jump out of my skin the first time a dog jumps through a window. I want my heart to pound when I enter a room and I can hear the crows but the camera angle is hiding them. those kinds of moments are gone from RE.
  19. new guys are fresh blood for doyouwanttodies cornflakes.
  20. get rid of the non-existent arcade and lets have a online poker room! that would be cool.
  21. there is a setting for whether you want to hear through the TV or headset. check that. when I don't have a mic plugged in I can hear low muffled talking through the TV.
  22. netflix works without media center. straight from the dashboard. the only way to browse the internet is with Media Center and a plug-in I forget the name of.
  23. Unforgiven was on BravoHD. man I love that movie.
  24. if you catch yourself looking at blue dong for more then a sec. it means you are a real comic book fan. and gay.
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