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Everything posted by Inky

  1. I like vista OK. I don't have any problems with it. I liked XP better. Win7 seems like it's gonna be great. I uninstalled the beta cuz my PC started to crash like crazy. Linux is just to hands on for my tastes. for someone who likes to tweak crap and have super control over their system and OS I can see the draw. but I could care less about that stuff at this stage. I just like a computer to work. I haven't tried Leopard, my g3 would run like molasses on it. but I LOVE Tiger. I mean really LOVE Tiger. I have a G4 in route from ebay and I'll try Leopard on that. I'm really becoming a mac guy. at this stage I don't care for PC gaming. I just want to turn on my computer and do what I do. Ease of use with out worries of blue screens, random crashes, virus' and spyware. and OSX is giving me that.
  2. last nights fights... hmmm. Jackson and Jardine both looked bad. Brown Vs Sell. I've seen that ref make some bad decisions before but his ass should be fired for that one. Sell could have been hurt badly for no reason. speaking of Sell. WTF is he still doing in the UFC. has that guy ever won a fight? Vera looked good. I hate Mark Hamill. I know I am supposed to feel good and warm and fuzzy because a handicapped man is in the UFC and doing well. but I just hate that dude.
  3. So no one has any comments yet? joy? disappointment? I will say that I would watch an entire movie just about Rorschach. He and Dr. Manhattan are the only characters that don't feel like a rip off of another character.
  4. as much as DST is a pain in the ass, last night I was glad to move the clocks forward as it meant a I got off work an hour early.
  5. just ignore it for now. address mixups aren't on you. just throw the letters in the trash. for almost a year after I moved in to a new place I was getting the previous persons mail. after the first few months I stopped forwarding it and just dumped it in the trash can by the mail boxes. If it isn't important enough for the person to change their address with those companies then flock em.
  6. my 320gb internal and 120gb external are still pretty empty. I am constantly deleting stuff though. I don't keep movies I've DLed after I watch em or anything like that. my external keeps music and pictures backed up. everything else is expendable.
  7. I'm almost done with RE5. so far I don't have any complaints. I was supposed to be in a SFIV tourny today but I slept through the first round.
  8. watchmen. I liked it. but I still haven't read the books. I got the Motion comics sitting on the PC waiting for my time.
  9. Which makes it even the more awesome. I'll definitely give it a try. but Guilty Gear was just a little bit odd for my tastes. maybe these characters will click with me more.
  10. other then the fact it is 2d and in HD. I'm not really excited about this one. I'm not big on guilty gear and this looks like GG but with different characters.
  11. is it even possible to build a laptop? everything is integrated into the MoBo.
  12. I'm totally stuck on normal time attack 14. NO SPECIALS?!?! WTF? finished all the normal survival.
  13. What did you do to get it working? I'm running into the same prob with NullDC 1.0.3 crashing when I try to run a game, using the NullPVR Graphics plugin. I can get NullDC 1.0.0 beta 1.6 to work. But when trying to run Sonic 2, I get the weird lines throughout the screen. All other games play fine. I'm running Win XP w/2 GB RAM. Dual CPU 2.2 Ghz. The graphics card is a Intel G33 w/256. I made sure it has all the latest updated drivers. that poster is long gone from these boards.
  14. it's already been confirmed the ending is different.
  15. well I don't think you'd really notice any difference between 2.0 and 2.16ghz. as far as the wireless goes... N is alot faster then G. but you need an N router to take advantage of that extra speed. not to mention that your internet connection is nowhere near as fast as G anyways. (I guess if you had FiOs you may get close to maxing you connection.) so all that bandwidth is wasted in everyday networking situations.
  16. I managed to poop my pants, poop on the floor without my pants, poop my pants on the toilet, poop in the toilet, and take some pills then fart lightly to lengthen my timer.
  17. Yeah, good luck with taking a piss in that condition, it's not physically possible. Maybe you got super boners that close off the urethra, but I can take a leak with a boner.
  18. who is excited for the Watchmen movie opening friday? in all honesty, I never read the comic, so I don't really know what to expect. I might grab the graphic novel sometime this week to brush up before the cam hits the interwebs.
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