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Everything posted by Inky

  1. do you always laugh after you get shanked in the face by 18th street? we're all friends here, you don't have to play internet tough guy.
  2. you are thinking of Mospeada, the 3rd season of robotech here in the states. yes the anti anime dude actually knows something about anime.... I want to kill myself.
  3. feast. cheesy low budget horror.... and I loved it.
  4. cammy has got to be in there, people will not tolerate fei long and no cammy.
  5. I liked the oblivion leveling, you could hold off leveling and have an extremely strong character. abusing the enemies leveling with you. it also appears that the enemies in FO3 do NOT level with you. so enemies in certain areas will be a specific level range.
  6. I coulda swore I seen Dan in the TGS trailer. http://www.joystiq.com/2008/10/11/tgs-08-s...ter-iv-trailer/
  7. the leveling is not the same as oblivion, its more traditional exp based. plus you have the action point style along with the fps. hit the right bumper during battle and it freezes, then you can target body parts like the old games and spend action points. its a western FPS RPG made by bethesda, of course it is gonna be similar to oblivion. but I wouldn't call it Oblivion with guns. it is its own game.
  8. added Basilbr, Gavin and kenshinsama to the first post.
  9. isn't that what everyone else has already said.. isn't that what you get from the vids? I had to start a new character due to poor stat choosing
  10. I really didn't play the first 2 a whole bunch, I have played them. it has the same gritty, post apocalyptic, brown feel. it does feel alot like Oblivian/morrowind. but in my eyes thats a good thing, I have over 350 hours between those 2 games easy.
  11. I don't want to ruin it for anyone. but I will say I played for about 6 hours today. it's pretty rare I play anything that long anymore. and I'd be playing now but the wife is watching her shows. heheh.
  12. Kinda but I'll be more annoyed cuz you'll come back and claim the game sucks cuz you saw a loading screen. I've seen some loading screens...... but it's still good.
  13. that sakura trailer looks so badass, I can't wait for this game.
  14. yep the sooner every one realizes that exclusives are a thing of the past the better off they'll be. other then 1st party titles, just about everything HAS to come out on multiple platforms to make money, game development is just too expensive for exclusives. and really it's better for everyone. now you don't need to own multiple systems to play 90% of the good stuff.
  15. nah I doubt it. this one looks pretty good.
  16. with the current roster of fighters its really a no brainer to grab a stick. you can bet there will be a tekken branded hori ex2 released along with this.
  17. you guys are gonna hate me but I'll be playing fallout3 in about 3 hours.
  18. its 30 years to late then, Video did that in 79.
  19. there was a count down clock and everything......
  20. as an artist it's crap. as a gamer its crap. its just another thing for all the wanna be asian white kids to consume.
  21. yeah what happened to the count down and supposed new and improved 1emulation?
  22. agreed, hopefully this will put his hype to bed for good.
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