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Everything posted by Inky

  1. Heh... thats an offal lot of effort for some drumsticks... Perhaps you should train them to fetch beer! Less of a mess. I'm good at fetching more than beer, I can make mixed drinks! I'm trained! but can you cook a steak.
  2. Dracula dead and loving it. I love those Leslie Nielson spoofs. I have forgetting sarah marshall, the rocker and chronicles of an exorcism waiting for me to pull the trigger.
  3. I think I am at around 40 individual tattoos. I've never posted em up here, but some are visible in the pic I posted awhile back. as for painful spots. from personal experience inside wrist, inside bicep, ribs elbow, shins and "the ditch" (the part of your arm opposite the elbow, where your arm bends.) hurt quite a bit. biceps, forearms, calfs don't hurt at all. my wife said the back of her neck didn't hurt, but she was pretty wasted lol. A friend who has teh backs of his hands and feet done says it was basically the most painful thing he had ever experienced.
  4. something about pinned threads... I always miss pages of posts. happy late B-day JKK and Fu
  5. I wouldn't suggest going into security. I am a Security officer and I can tell you that it's not worth it. You're not guaranteed to get a "G" license (for a gun..of course) unless the company who hired you has a client that needs that much security (ie airports, car dealerships etc.). You have to take a class that lasts one to two weeks (some are free depending on company) then waste gas, then pay $100 to have your picture taken, FBI background check and whatnot. The security jobs here average to $8.50/hr with ridiculous schedules. You have to pay $80 every two years (and moreso if you have a "G" license) to keep it current. Not to mention you have to deal with self righteous old fools who think because they're wearing a uniform they have as much authority as a cop. For that much pay, crappy benefits and dumb people, it's not really worth it in my opinion. you need to make friends with the scheduler.
  6. they could meet under the Eiffel tower. JKK will wear a beret and have a rose in his teeth, plot a dashing black and white striped shirt and a red scarf. (orchestra music swells)
  7. couldn't sleep today. (not good, night shift on 3 hours sleep sucks) so I watched Cry Baby for the millionth time. I also watched House of 1000 corpses and some guitar lesson DVDs.
  8. rambo's to bad ass to leave survivors. and his enemies aren't dumb enough to fall for the card board box trick. Rambo's rocking out with Lynard Skynard and Snake is toking bowls with the dave mathews band.
  9. I wouldn't trust verizon to be truly unlimited either. their "unlimited" cell phone broadband caps at 5gb. as long as my current provider doesn't sweat me I see no reason to switch.
  10. thats more then I'd be willing to spend. they are gonna disrupt my day for 60 to 160 dollar internet......
  11. snake is the opposite of a pimp. pimps don't care about oil spills in alaska and nuclear proliferation, it's all about dem hoes. Snake is a otter scrubbing, tree hugging, hippy. except with a gun and some ninja skills. Snake is probably a member of PETA.
  12. I seen another trailer today, not like the comic style and it looked good also, I am cautiously optamistic.
  13. ease of use is what clinches it for me on the 360, I am really tired of long installs to find that I need to hunt some drivers, then endless tweaking settings to get the best balance of looks and playability, on a console I just pop it in and go. no hassle, no wondering if my system is beefy enough or whatever. I am pretty much done with pc gaming besides the odd casual game. I spent a decent portion of today uninstalling a bunch a PC games that I never play for one reason or another.
  14. what does fios cost? they are wiring up my apartment building for fios but I heard it costs around 100 bucks a month, I don't need the bandwidth that much...
  15. I wonder how connections are across the pond in GGPO..
  16. unbelievable... http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6va71_ma...teas_shortfilms could this actually be a good video game movie?
  17. I'm a conservative leaning Independent. I'm not voting (I never do, not registered. and thus have never been summoned to jury duty, and I am keeping it that way.) so I really can't complain either way, but If I was voting I'd vote Obama, McCain is an assho!e.
  18. sweet, he has the straight side kick Ryu has in SF3 and the 3 hit super dragon punch. I can tell already I am going to hate Abel.
  19. I've got quite a few of those on disc, to bad they aren't ixtreme compatible.
  20. me too, I think I am about done though, the races got impossibly hard all the sudden.
  21. err I could run that on my 600 dollar PC, not to mention my 300 dollar xbox360, but you go spend your 2000 bucks....
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