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Everything posted by Inky

  1. yeah he needs to go in and train 100% wrestling and jitz, his boxing is there, but with no ground game and no takedown and jitz defense he has no business in the UFC. he looked completely lost on his back.
  2. Huston Alexander has been exposed! My MMA watching friends have been on the alexander bandwagon all along, saying the flash knockout was a bad call and whatnot, how he was unstoppable, the mike tyson of MMA... well Like Kimbo and brian stann, he has zero ground game. if you can't work on the ground you have no business in an MMA fight. period. these guys should be boxers.
  3. love em, my wife has a rose on the back of her neck, and some ankle tats, of course I am heavily tattooed, I don't like the lower back tat though, its too over done, like the tribal. there is nothing sexier then a woman with full sleeves.
  4. force unleashed- kind of a disappointment. just an average hack and slash game really.... TNA Impact- only played a few matches but the controls don't feel as good as the SvR games. plus I am out of the wrestling scene so have no idea who some of these people are of current gimmicks and storylines. Rock Band 2- has been sucking up most of my free time. I made the mistake of buying a drum kit..... I am completely addicted at the moment. the cymbal kit may be in my future.
  5. this could save my wii. I was going to sell it to my sister. now I may hold on to it and -backup- those few games worth playing on the wii. guess I'll have to buy zelda now....
  6. forum index. I haven't been to the portal in years. from the index I check the last 8 posts then the view new posts link. and thats pretty much it.
  7. 5 hours during the week, on my off days maybe 7. on my first night off I always stay awake for 24 hours so I can sleep at night like a normal person. then on my first day back to work I get a 3 hour nap before work. and start the cycle over again.
  8. that was a much better haircut then the emo thing you had going on..
  9. Liddell got KTFOed... lol. sorry iceman fans but he's not what he used to be. 3 losses in the last 4 fights, Dana would have other fighters packing their bags and heading to a lesser promotion. Couture vs Lesner. Thoughts? Sad News via TMZ sad news indeed, Tanner was an exciting fighter and I always enjoyed his fights,
  10. shenmue 1 and 2 the 2d fighters soul calibur crazy taxi sonic adventure 1 those are the stand outs in my opinion.
  11. played a bit of the Castle crashers demo but I'm not gonna buy it, doesn't seem to be all that. I always get burned on XBLA games anyways. so I am basically not gonna buy anymore unless something amazing comes along. Infinite Undiscovery. I'm not big on JRPGs and this one is no exception... horrid camera + real time battles = fail and the second section is just stupid. navigate a pitch black forest basically run until you bump into something then change directions and hope for the best.
  12. Good question. LSD I'll see you on there when it's out. But we're still waiting on SSF2HDR, SS2 and hell NGBC so I don't think it'll be anytime soon. welcome back BK, I for one and glad to see you here.
  13. I totally forgot, I'll grab the torrent in the morning. the Pallegrino T. Alvez fight is available to watch on UFC.com.
  14. and the hallmark of a good program is its icon, I mean with out a good icon the program is nothing.....
  15. if you haven't played Bioshock yet you really should.
  16. the arcade comes with a 512mb memory card, and like GC said you can grab a 20gb harddrive on ebay for 40 bucks easy, you may need a headset and HDMI cable for another 30 bucks. thee 60gb 360 is dropping to 299 and the elite is dropping to 399.
  17. the complete install is available on torrents.
  18. I'm looking into something called privoxy to block ads externally right now. I don't even need all the ads blocked just the obnoxious ones. googles little ad-sense ads don't bother me, pop ups, pop unders and ads that make noise are the main offenders.
  19. I didn't realize you could drag tabs into new orders, and drag a tab outside the window to create a new window. pretty nifty. I always wondered why I couldn't reorder tabs in FF. the recently closed tab list on the home page is brilliant IMO, I don't know how many times I've closed a tab on accident and had to re-search or use my history to get back. I like the home page alot. I wish I could lock some pages to the home page though. overall. give me ad-block, an indication of my gmail inbox, and I'll never look back. for some reason FF3 has been crashing on me alot since I upgraded from FF2.
  20. I didn't have any problems when I used it for a bit yesterday. but I didn't do any 'tube. I did some torrents and didn't notice anything.
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