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Everything posted by PLasticSlug

  1. So is there any way to increase the resolution any neogeo games? What is the highest resolution that you can play a neo game? if so, why is there a limit on the resolution?
  2. ok found what i needed and got it to work, im trying to play MVSC2, it seems to be on a loop, it does the dreamcast logo, wants me to fix the time and then starts to loop, giving me the logo and then the time... any suggestions? thanks ********************* EDIT never mind got it working, it ranges rom 60 fps to 30, same crappy sound that i see most post get, other than that i think its working to the best that emulator allows it to.
  3. i am getting an error that simply states cant read dc_bios.bin sounds like an easy fix any suggestions? thanks **********edit never mind probably cant get bios here.....
  4. that vid was cool, but i get all hyped up when i do i 5 hit combo, dam i suck.......
  5. what do they call the files that might have the informaiton so i can play some of the games (bios) or somthing, is there any way i can add one of these files to see if i can play any more games? If i have a later realease, wouldnt it have the latest (bios) already? and the games that dont work ill just have to get rid of?
  6. all i know is i saw a twat over there while browsing, WHoo hooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
  7. do you just put evoodoo into the project64 plugin folder???
  8. I downloaded a huge compile of mame games, Im using MAME32.86. There is over 200 games that mame can not play. I was wondering if i could use the audit feature to deleate any of the non working games from the rom directory, as well as any clones.. will mame do this???? thanks.
  9. what is the best glide wrapper, i have 1.5 or somthing but only 1.3 will properly play pilot wings 64 (Not sure about the version numbers but the early version plays it better)
  10. did they ever get that game working?
  11. i just like the titties in the banner
  12. man that looks like crap, but its so cheesy looking i would actually want to see it. hopefully its bad enough to reache cult movie status
  13. Makes me want to jump in my car and take a road trip http://www.lacquersound.com/english/opener1.html
  14. I hope you guys make another thread when the real/complete game comes out, I dont want to have to read through all this sheit.... thats all im waiting for at this point.
  15. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/192340
  16. you know me and my brother were talking for about 2 hours last night, and that is one topic we couldnt stop talking about (MIS), but its so heavily embeded with programing, all the way from the 80's programs to the latest, and looking up resumes online for mis positions they expect you to know at least 3-5 languages. I think in a way it would be the one that i would be most naturally pulled in to. Considering i hate accounting, economics, business math, and all that other shiet. The only problem is if i go for that major, A whole semester would be wasted just for one class. Basically i done with all the gen-eds, and the business college wont let you into the cohort untill you finish that class. So ill think about it. My other consideration was business management, but that is so increadbily fukin general. but then if not sure what i want it could be it might be a good choice.
  17. My choices fall between these four majors...... Business management Finance Marketing Operations Management here is the school http://www.arizona.edu/spotlight/2004/September132004.shtml Personally i like to be in control, do it my way if i know its best, like to work with people, my worst fear is being behind a desk for the next 4-5 years chugging numbers. In a way i want to play an active part in the business. i guess that would remove finance and marketing. and focus on Business management & Operations Management. I dont mind high stress job, as long as it pays off in the long run, with its pay and vacation time. Their business management program is pretty good. With marketing i dont really know that much about beside its obvious characteristics. Looking up some career profiles show that it has to deal with sales, that would make it a real beoch. I worked with New York Life during the summer as an office assistant and sales kicks a lot of peoples asses, for instance they will hire 16 people and after 4 months they will be down to 4. Those who make it make a ton of money and those who dont make any sales, literally starve. Finance i really have not looked up yet. so i dont know.
  18. Im sure most of you are too young to care, or not even in college yet or at all, but i have a question about majors, maybe one of you or someone has a brother, mom, dad whatever... who has a degree in one of these fields and could shed some light on helping me find a decision. Anything will help me at this point. I realize that these alone wont really get me sheit, so im planning to get my masters as well. I am a junior in college, and applying to the business school. When i apply I need a cover letter which clearly states what major I want and why. The problem is I have no idea in what major i want to pursue. At this point i dont want any "you shouldn’t do business" or whatever im at the point of no return, if i want to graduate in 4 yrs. The choices are Accounting- Personally hate this field, and actually just failed a test in it today, (no worries i always make it up later with the next test) Business Economics Business management Finance Marketing Management information systems (MIS) - need one more class to apply for this major so, I not really interested in it because it would delay me another semester Operations Management Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Way to go Gryph wooot!
  20. no porn, nehh im out of here
  21. Oh yea i forget how funny it is to see that beoch die
  22. What im trying to say is, what is your favorite game that you play, but you dont play the game to beat it, simply you just screw around and do absolutely nothing, My all time favorite is GTA: Vice city for the pc, I have spent days (literally) running from the cops, beating up some ho's, running over bums and all that sheit. I dont think i have actually played/progressed in game for more than 20 minutes. - get gta deluxe mod (unbelievable)! Rush extreme racing usa- (N64) i guess you can say im playing it, but i like to turn on mode where if you die you cant respawn so its game over and see how many people i can kill during the race. Piolet wings- cant describe how fun it is for me just fly around the US in my gyrocopter. Tomb raider- (on PS1) where you can run around her mansion, spent hours in there. thats all i can think of for now.
  23. Im sure in a way we all do, but i collect roms, I dont know why buy i must have every game i played as a child, I have a ton of games i dont even play I dont care how much space they take, buy just to say i have them is enough for me. Its like im building this huge ass collection for someone or somthing? I guess its the personal satification of just having them..
  24. so have they fixed the sound problems yet with the game?
  25. any of those worth downloading.
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