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Everything posted by PLasticSlug

  1. and midget porn
  2. up a skirt
  3. with no shoes
  4. seeing your sig makes me want to do this http://movies.sidetraked.com/movie2.php?file=asianfight.wmv
  5. where we came
  6. topped with faggots http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/2698507.stm
  7. naaa from MK
  8. from mortal combat?
  9. kontraband and all the links found on its page ebaumsworld weirdlinks caseyscam- anticlown cnn
  10. smelled his finger
  11. that chick on fatals desktop has a really greasy looking face,yuk... arent they supposed to only do that to her boobs or somthing
  12. who dipped his...
  13. i dont know, im not into that kind of stuff, but possibly supernova?
  14. yea this sucks
  15. i think your missing some dam important people!!!! actually its cool, but i think it would be even better if you include as many 1emu people as possible, like that big simpsons poster with all the characters
  16. a porn thread!
  17. well if i buy doom 3, then i have to buy the nvidia 6800 ultra, and probably a new computer to support it, better monitor, I would then have to download all the new drivers, and then try to sell my old computer, and find all my old dell boxes, probably get ripped of when they do buy it, oh but all that money into that new computer means i couldnt pay for school, food, gas. Which would then me to be late on my bill and other payments and i would have file for bankrupsy and ruin my credit. So when i get older my children would have to sit on the corner with me as i try to sell my ass for a measly buck.....
  18. beating the meat
  19. in his r****m (not appropriate)
  20. a large borrito?
  21. purple panty muncher
  22. LOL that so caught me off guard!!!!!!!! I was epecting some technical know how and configuring my download/ upload rate or somthing
  23. I havnt passed by that old dusty relic in a long time, I think its time to add some new games or somthing? oh yea.... I dont really know any but i think it would be cool if we could have some simple 2 player online games.....
  24. so on a side note whats the best way to speed up bitcomet?
  25. wow thanks phantom for an answer more than 4 words
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