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Everything posted by PLasticSlug

  1. totally agree, but for 2 hours I used the Howard Stern soundboards, it was the most fun i had in a long time (preatty sad huh)
  2. About those prank calls, they are hard as hell to pull off using their soundboards, anybody try any of them. as for me, 2 of my brothas it was a dead give away, girlfreind just got pissed at me for being stupid friend just thought it was lame, and gay oh well...... it still has a lot of potential and im not sure what the success rate for those things are. check them out http://www.ebaumsworld.com/morepranks.shtml
  3. Plain and simple, do you guys trust the p2p sharing software. I just did a re-format and hesitant about letting others touch my sexy beast of a computer. oh yea i got rid of my nvidia 4200 series for a Radion 9800 series and added a hard drive with 60 gb, so now im at a 130 gb hard drive.
  4. check it out. http://media.ebaumsworld.com/mustangspin.wmv
  5. i recently came across 2 games that i was trying to burn that had a.mbr ending, actually i think it was mbr. or somthing like it, im not on my computer to check right now. has any one came across these and know how to burn them?
  6. any one who has this game, how the fuk do you use a continue, I cant get past the second level and after 3 to 4 continues the continue screen just counts down to zero I know i suck but does any one have the same problem?
  7. hehehehe http://media.ebaumsworld.com/spellingbeefaint.wmv
  8. I dont know if its emulated or not, but headhunter is the $hit, i love how it mixes (or rips off) metal gear and grand theft auto, but none the less, its still a great game.
  9. Im trying to watch a movie and i remember i used that program, i really dont know if i can ask for it but can someone please help me out.
  10. ok just beat that piece of $hit agin and it gave me no characters to buy, i even used characters that i have never beat the game with. im ready to use game shark or somting. Since its soo small could someone send it to me? thanks
  11. mine does that aswell every time i play it, i just push x or whatever and it chooses the right refresh rate and the problem is solved. If the game works and it only does that in the beging i wouldnt even worry about it.
  12. aight ill beat it with different characters, i dont know why if forgot that... you think if i beat i put it on a harder setting i would make more points?
  13. no just my good ole dreamcast ... a game shark can i download that?????
  14. Yea this beaoch ass game quit giving me extra characters, i play it for hours and go to unlock characters and it wont give me any more to buy, only the real expensive crappy new colors. Im missing iron man, war machine, sentinal among others how do i unlock those (do i have to buy all the outfits first?) I make about 2000 points when i beat the game on easy and i set the time limit to 30 seconds this is only when im in the mood to unlock characters, is this the average amout of points you can usually make? thanks
  15. i didnt see anything
  16. get one already!, i have over 50+ downloaded games and have kept me busy for months. all you have to do is buy the system a few vmu's and atleast 2 controllers the rest is free, you cant beat it.
  17. My cousin who is in the military and lives in Hawaii just came into town. He is very busy and never has time to play his Ps2 and wants to sell it to me for 20.00 bucks. The only drawl back is he left it in a box where a cat decided to take a piss, it stayed there for months and now the Ps2 (despite many efforts to get rid of the odor & did no damage to the Ps2) has the permanent smell of cat piss. Should i buy this retched smelling thing?
  18. I downloaded a movie from supernova. it was 926 mb, and it contained 2 folders one with 457 mb in it and the rest of the movie was in a folder w/ 469 mb. here is the description of of one of the folders, Cd1: has 32 parts, (31 of those are rar archives and 1 is a Sfv file thats only 2 kb) Part 01.rar : is exactly 14.3 MB and has 3 files in it (Name of movie).bin (Name of movie).cue .nfo file (useless files you never use) all the other files have the same info except where is says name of movie it says (Name of movie).bin <-> also the size of te bin files are all 457 mb. basically the end result is a bin file, is there any way to play this? any suggestions to get this movie working?
  19. That scared the fuken piss out of me! im calling my old lady right now to to watch it... he heh hehe
  20. I really want to see this movie... if you get let me know, i have about 5 downloads on lime wire, but they are not moving anywhere. let us know if ya get it.
  21. I use xp and i was in add/remove programs when you go to controll panel and i found overnet at 818 mb, why the hell is that program so huge?, i removed everything and killed my slow ass downloads and it was still that size. but when i highlight the overnet file when exploring the c: drive it only says 3.13 mb, whats the deal?
  22. since im a super cheap ass, I wait till the system is on the bargain/clearance table and then i buy it. That is what I did with my dreamcast. The good thing about it is that i know all the best games out there and as we seen with all systems of the past they are easier to rip off from p2p or even emulate.
  23. Tila Nguyen and Sung hi Lee.
  24. I finished downloading a movie off of overnet, but as it was completing my computer froze, i restarted my computer and instead of overnet completing the movie it was trying sill trying to download it again from zero, instead of completing it. So now i have the movie and it works when i watch it with my divx player but its in pieces such as 1.1, 1.2 through 1.70. I might just have to keep it like that since it does work, but does anybody know how to put all the pieces together. Thanks.
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