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Everything posted by PLasticSlug

  1. The story http://www.drudgereport.com/flash3ph.htm The numbers warning has porn banners i remember one post got away with porn banners as long as I tell you its ok right..... WARNING XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX EDIT: For the sake of the younguns here, I'll remove the link. But I found a text file so check my post. Also, to keep the IP stuff safe.
  2. good stuff....
  3. i make a huge shake, bananas, milk, granola bars, blue berries, frozen yogurt, milk, cereal, strawberries, and a small yogurt in it.
  4. This is so flocking bad its not even funny.... From anticlown http://www.anticlown.com/archives/2005/02/...say_lohan_l.php it didnt play automaticially w/ firefox had to right click and then play....
  5. as close i could get
  6. Thats what im afraid of............. any suggestions...
  7. I have acquired 100s of cd-r's over the years burning games, and everything else, my question is can you recycle them? I feel bad just throwing them in the garbage....
  8. Im not asian but celebrated by eating at panda express.... happy new year. pssst.. all you non asian people do you think we should let them know their a month behind?
  9. i hope they dont steal mine
  10. you didnt like the simpsons episode,,, oh man i loved it, I didnt care to much about the whole halftime show part but i loves how they were bashing the Passion! I was loving it.....
  11. Recently i dug up my old n64 emulator and decided to play it again, both games i have not played, and was wondering which one is worth my time? any suggestions? Thanks..
  12. Im listening to 1emu radio show!
  13. Well if you are that bored and lonely you could always go on a date with rosy.....
  14. OIC, so they are not in any way shape or form like a real movie file, that make sense, so the only place i can watch it at will be in nebula, thanks guys.
  15. Im recording a movie in nebula, and i can watch it when in nebula, but i want to open it while exited nebula, i searched all the nebula folders and found nothing....
  16. Even the screen shots for crying-out-loud look like $hit for alone in the dark... http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/alone_in_the_dark/photos.php
  17. I know what he did to you trust me hell pay....
  18. you asian kids, with strict your asian families, do you guys seem to have a gap between you and parents, its hard to explain, for example my GF, her parents (chinese) are strict and it bugs the hell out of me that their is no communication between them and the parents, its like the kids or the parents can never tell a joke to each other, they dont say i love you, hug, or even kiss them good night, hell i still even do that... buy im a mommas boy. Just wonder if other asian families are like that too? also back on topic, i hate American schools, things finally didnt get challenging/fun till i got to college...
  19. how much do they charge?
  20. what i dont get, assuming you do it from scratch.... do they usually just stick a common pc inside loaded with the emulators & roms or do they have special boards/pc's designed for playing emulated games that they put in the cab? If they just put a pc into it, i assume you coud do an auto start to play on what ever emulator you want, right? And if you do it from scratch what kind of monitor do you use? Edit: we should do a cost analysis of what this thing would cost, building it from scratch, since this topic has started I have not stopped thinking on building one of these.....
  21. practice your break dancing skills..... or if thier are others working with you be as social as possible, even if Fred has a funny bulge and gives you the eye... he can still be your friend.
  22. was baulders gate american?
  23. my 60 gb hard drive was saying the same thing, something like 15 gb or somthing... any way i just reformatted it and it went back to 60, or you going to install windows on both hd's or you going to make it a slave, if your going to make it a slave just checks your pins and you can reformat it real easy through windows... right click on drive and format it there.
  24. Oh..Ohh Quote: Jacko's ex-wife to reveal all in court Michael Jackson's ex-wife Debbie Rowe has agreed to be a star witness against the singer during his child molestation trial. This should be fun.. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/til/jsp/modu...itemId=16293334
  25. you are actually right, last weekened we hung out i was bringing out my thug talk and my totally fake appreciation for cars that bump and sheit.... and he loved it, its stupid but it does work,,,,
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