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Everything posted by PLasticSlug

  1. hes actually about 7.... yea dont act like it though.....
  2. i not sure what you mean but wtf are you talking about the guy in that situation is a flocking toy, they were trying to say that that guy (the toy) was the hostage.... btw that is a really cool looking toy
  3. hopefully they wont take down the page, but aparently thier was this story about an american soldier who was taken hostage and was going to be beheaded if some prisioners were not released.... the picture taked of the soldier ended up being a toy figure.... quote: G.I. JOE: MILITANTS TAKE 'TOY' HOSTAGE; IRAQI WEBSITE WAS CLIP ART!! http://www.drudgereport.com/ http://cnn.worldnews.printthis.clickabilit...&partnerID=2006
  4. dude dont buy a cab make one i just designed my own, in less than 5 min.... check it out sweet huh all it takes is some wood & nails... but seriously how hard could it be?
  5. read on http://www.drudgereport.com/flash3jja.htm quote: Janet Arvizo (the mother of the boy) married Army Reserves Major Jay Jackson in Las Vegas. She is now: Janet Jackson! what do you guys think of the whole case.....
  6. id give it a week or less before it caves in.... that looks like something I would rofl at, if i found it on the web, in not shooting it down, its so flocking ghetto its unbelievably cool...
  7. love that retarted looking pope! classic!
  8. is this the batista that plays/played? for the Arizona Diamondbacks?
  9. Is it just me or is this one kick ass game! the characters are moves are kick ass, love that raiden looking character and how you can side step into the background. In my opionion it has the the most beautiful lush backgrounds... what do the rest of you think?
  10. dam with a face like that we wont ever have to worry about money again!
  11. huh? oh dear god no, its his venom/proteinous/acidic fluid that he used in comic # 132 against the evil Dr. PutaVulva (sp) (russian i think?), which would make sense cause hes a Soviet Super-Soldier, in this episode he actually almost dies at the hands of DR. PutaVulva, she uses a kind of transmitted disease through her magic box of despair..... its one of the more obscure comics that omega came out with, with only circlulation in 25 countries and a limited number of 15000 copies. I would give you the title but i actually forgot it.....
  12. Yeah, I figure as much, I just though of asking to clear the fog. The idea is nice, unfortunaly this kind of work is by no means a walk in the park, if you get my drift. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no means a walk in the part is right, I just one of those things in life where you attempt to do a good cause it blows up in your face.... but just going to try to make the best of it... The thing that bugs me the most, is im not his parent im not going to spend the whole time saying, hey dont climb that, get off of it, dont fall, im just going to let his ass fall off the 6 ft wall, if he wants to climb it maybe hell learn a thing or two... but the thing is i prolly cant do that i believe that the contract we sighned we take full responsibility of the little brother o flocking well..... oh and the mom is on her 8th kid or somthing (she like 20) and doesnt live with her, he lives with other family...
  13. So yea me and my girlfriend are in the big brother big sister program, and we recently got hooked up with our "lil brother" and thats when hell began. I hate to be mean and i feel bad just saying it, but being in this program is not fun at all. Its more like babysitting than anything else and on top of that the kid is totally spoiled. Granted that he does live in the projects and doesnt really have a dad, but on the other hand hes 100% spoiled, has more than one tv and also has a ps1, ps2 and a gamecube! Again, i hate to say this but we really dont get anything out of it at all, hes good for like 15 min, then everything goes to hell, he acts like a lil gangster, all into cars that bump and $hit, and only listens to rap and wont, do a dam thing we ask of him, starts climbing this and jumping over that, rolls on the floor and over all just acts like a $hit. We get done hanging out and we are just totally drained, it will be in the middle of the day and we feel like we were beaten with a stick for hours, and at the same time have flocking huge headache! What should we do? we have already been matched and famlily is cool with us and cant really pull out with out seeming like total dicks... any suggestions?
  14. hey tool videos are bad ass
  15. http://www.the-tape.com/
  16. i think the discovery is more relavant the name.....
  17. has any one actually ever got in trouble for having a rom? whats the penality for having one?
  18. hey i laughed! goddammit id give it a 7.365 !
  19. I love nebula, it was a biatch getting all my games to work but in the end im very pleased with it.
  20. read this.... http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...5_chimeras.html
  21. i think i spent a whole 25 bucks on games, during a years time frame, and that just includes buying hl2 (I returned some stuff to best buy). Actually come to think of it that is the only game i actually have really ever baught..... since the days of my N64...
  22. (Stands there with a pitchfork and a lighted torch) send it to spam! burn it! rid us of your evil deeds!!!!!
  23. thanks, I have been waiting patiently for someone to comment on them....
  24. yea i just saw a pic of the ps2 flip top, and found it be cool as hell, but is their any practical reason to doing this to a ps2?
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