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Everything posted by Vermillion

  1. How many songs do you have? If you have alot of songs, it'll freeze up when cacheing alot. If it does, just reboot and it should keep cacheing the rest of the songs. If you have a whole lot (like 500 or so) you'll have to reboot it about 5 or so times.
  2. Make yourself an EvoX Disc (that has all the basic EvoX stuff on it in root) and it should boot to the Disc first before the dashboard. Once you're there, you should have FTP access again. Make sure you change the IP in the ini file of EvoX before burning.
  3. Unless you intend to spend the extra bucks and knowledge to mod your Xbox, then don't bother. There really aren't that many great games for it compared to the PS2. If you are lookin' to mod it, then definitely get an Xbox as you'll probably end up using it more than the other consoles once it's modded. Just be wary of the current 1.6 Xbox that's floating around as it's a little bit more difficult to mod and some chips don't have BIOSes that work on it yet. I have modded a 1.6 with a Xenium ICE and it was more work than what it was worth. I like my Xecuter 2.3s So unless you're buying the Xbox ($179), HDD ($100~$200), and Modchip ($40~$50) and lookin' to get it modded, don't bother and get either a PS2 or a Gamecube.
  4. You can get alot of save files for Xbox games from www.xbox-saves.com They have a rather large list too. For ease of use, I recommend you get their Xbox-Saves Manager as it makes it really easy to add and copy save files to and from your CPU. It's a nice GUI that just FTPs into your Xbox and goes straight to your save files. Make sure you get the correct save files since there should be multiples of NTSC and PAL versions.
  5. Okay, I just built my first multi-game Xbox disc using CDX with the following games: Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO FBA-XXX (with fighting game ROMS) Guilty Gear XX #Reload Soul Calibur 2 The problem is that Marvel 2 and Capcom/SNK 2 have a long load time when I launch them from the menu (like 15~30 sec.) while the others load immediately. I tried on multiple Xboxes and the result was the same. Testing the disc from the Hard Drive, there was no load time (as I expected). I'm assuming that the long load times could be a result of the disc being too large (since it is around 4.3GB) and that laser is having to read the outside edge of the disc. I'm thinking of removing Soul Calibur 2 and trying again with a smaller disc to see if the problem persists, however I figure I'd ask to see if anyone else has had the same problem before wasting another DVD-R.
  6. Well the garoud.zip made it show up in the list, however another problem occurs now. The file isn't booting to the UniBIOS even though it is enabled and does fine with other games. I read in the readme that if there was a problem with the game booting to UniBIOS that it would boot with another one. Whenever I started Garou the first time it worked, but put it in Arcade Mode and now whenever I try to play it, it always brings me to the diagnostics menu instead of the game.
  7. Hello all, I have a small problem with my garoun.zip file appearing in the latest version of FBA-XXX. garoun.zip won't appear in the list of NeoGeo games, while garou.zip does and that's even after a re-scan. I've also tried deleting the FBA-XXX save file and that hasn't helped either. The ROM works perfectly if I use an older version of FBA-XXX (like 5/13/04). Did something happen to garoun.zip with this last release (like is it named incorrectly or something)??
  8. Notice I said "Average". I didn't mean all games. I know most of the Capcom fighting ones are less than 500MB and most of the 3D ones are around 1.5GB. I also know both GTAs are really tiny along with Morrowind, but on average of about 70 Games (which is what I load on most Xboxes) it would be about 3.5GB per game if they were all equal size.
  9. Well if you have plenty of space, the best place to put games would be on the F: under a folder like something like games. You'll have to configure the XML file in DVD2Xbox for where you want it to copy. This should technically already be done, but check just in case. Also make sure you have the Drive enabled in the options as both the F: and G: are set to off in the newer versions of DVD2Xbox. If you want access to the files and see what's on the D:, then I believe you can press R at the main DVD2Xbox Menu and it should give you an option to select a drive. You should be able to see the DVD then along with any other place on the drive.
  10. I noticed you have a softmod. Do you have a larger hard drive in there, or just the original stock 8GB Hard Drive? If you only have the original Drive, then you won't get much use out of putting games onto the Hard Drive since you'll be limited on space. Most games average around 3.5GB~4.0GB with alot of the newer games being dual-layered and those being >7GB. The only space the original Drive has on it would be E: which would be barely big enough to handle one small game. As far as software goes, then I'd highly suggest getting DVD2Xbox as it works really great for that kind of thing and does alot of the stuff for you (like making the folder and naming it).
  11. Heh.... that's what I use XBMP/XBMC for also (Anime). Haha, me too. I've been watching all my anime with XBMC. I'm currently watching One Piece until more Naruto comes out.
  12. Excellent!! I'm glad it was something in the source than it being something with the emu.
  13. Okay, this has been happening on the past 3 versions of FBA-XXX and even on Prican's Special version. The problem is the Dungeons & Dragons Shadow over Mystara ROM (specifically ddsoma & ddsomr1) show up on both my NeoGeo Menu and my CPS2 Menu. I've deleted thed memory files numerous times and that doesn't fix it. Does anyone else have this problem or is it just a small problem with the way the emu is parsing the ROMs?? And I've tried this on multiple Xboxes too. (Note: All of my ROMs are in 1 folder too)
  14. If you do a little snooping with the old link you can easily find the new default.xbe. Go here: You'll notice another FBAX zip file that's very small and when you unzip it there's only a default.xbe. Use that one with the new FBA-XXX and you'll have banned rom support.
  15. You could also enable booting to Unibios. I did that and it solved my problem.
  16. Almost any modchip now days can be turned off now days (at least the 3rd Generation and the new 4th Gen ones). Most of them have an external switch that you just hook up and you can switch off. However you must have the original game to play on Xbox Live if you want. Originally Microsoft only banned you if you were running a modified BIOS, but now it seems Microsoft is doing hard drive size checks also. Even though they haven't officially said so, they are not denying it and so they could eventually start banning people if the Hard Drive has been changed.
  17. Does the game show up in the ROM List??
  18. Yeah, I just had a chance to try it out and there is a FPS counter on there. No worry though.... I'm just glad to have garoun.zip to work. Oh and I sent you that Skin Pack Prican. Also, any way of removing the CRC check for the P1 on Sengoku 3 (by making the hex all zeros)?? Looking at the driver info, it looks like it only checks for this file, even though the game will play with the wrong CRC though.
  19. OooOoOooO.... Really?? Hmm.. I must "test" this compile of yours.
  20. One thing I've been wondering is if garoun.zip has been corrected to not have that Red bar at the top (I read earlier through a search that was a problem with FBAX).
  21. Well I went and grabbed the official release from Xbins and added the new default.xbe from the link and it's the new 4-25 release. New fonts, skin browser, skin changer and all with the banned games enabled.
  22. Hmmm... Let me try it out. The date it was created on is 4-25 and when the source is updated, they usually update this link with the new version (at least they did last time and it was the 4-20 version).
  23. This has already been posted before, but you can get the latest xbe with banned roms enabled from here:
  24. Have you tried putting a path for every menu (even if they're the same ones)?? That's the only thing I see different so far between the inis posted.
  25. I don't think you can make the path with a drive letter yet. You have to use the "root path" which is normally D: This is what I have for paths and I just stick all my ROMs in the Roms folder. If you wanted to split them up you could use seperate folders under there and edit them in the ini. // default path szAppRomPaths[1] d:\roms\ // cps1 menu path szAppRomPaths[2] d:\roms\ // cps2 menu path szAppRomPaths[3] d:\roms\ // Neo geo menu path szAppRomPaths[4] d:\roms\ // Other menu path szAppRomPaths[5] d:\roms\others\
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