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Everything posted by Reiji
http://www.versuscity.net/crap/kawaks-kof03.png anyone seen this? is this real or fake?
To the people wondering what we do with the rom files out now: The reason why everyone is so happy about having these files, is because it shows progress in the rom's release. people are willing to leak out the rom to the public, or in the very least, to people who in turn end up leaking it out. Either way, by having these files, it shows we are ever so closer to having the whole thing, so be a little more patient. Just look at how many files we got already. Also, isn't there supposed to be a P3 rom? I heard somewhere that this game has 3 Proms instead of the usual 2... Unless this rom can be merged with the others to make 2 Proms...
Those files on your site are the real deal? If they are, thanks a lot, man, I really really appreciate this. I was wondering, how are these files getting leaked out anyway? If telling me will compromise your secret, then don't answer, but if you can, it would be cool to know. Is someone or someones leaking these out in secret? either way, awesome man, thanks for the site and keep up the great work.
I saw some file on overnet that said it was the kof2k3 billyjr.com decrypted rom. But when I tried dling it, i only could get like 9mbs before it messed up. Anyone know if this is the real rom file?
http://sitedoeore.kit.net/kof2k3/kof2k3.zip Interesting... has anyone tried this link out yet? someone posted it at epic center and said they had trouble getting thru cuz they had 56k connection. Could this be the real thing? No one commented on it or said it was fake or anything. Also, the rom thread at epic center is closed... Those idiots are all scared cuz of this fake rumor being spread about Razoola... Damn, why must this rom have so much drama behind it? hell, i wouldn't be surprised if Billyjr spread that rumor to scare everyone away from the rom...
Wow... Thanks guys for telling me the truth and showing me that link... geez, who the hell started such a rumor in the first place then? The way people were carrying on in other forums, i thought all that stuff about Razoola was true... Damn, I'm sorry. I retract my previous statements about Razoola then. Even if it does make me seem wishy washy or a backpeddler. I honestly had no idea this was some false rumor spread about him. people left and right are running around on forums spreading it like it's some gospel and starting entire threads devoted to whether kof2k3 should be released... Seeing as how that is the case, I take back everything I said about him in my earlier post. But my statements concerning Billyjr, other rom hoarders like him, and people like Sharim still stand. But one thing tho... Who on earth made up this awful rumor about Razoola? And furthermore, why would they do such a thing? Is it some rival of his, or someone who really hates him? After some thinking on the subject, I have a theory. I think the ones who made up this rumor are some of the people who have the rom and don't want it released. What better way to get the public to stop clamoring for a release by besmirching the name of a well known person in emulation, and using their project as a sort of means to trick people into not asking for the rom out of fear of Razoola quitting his CPS3 project. if I am right and this is the case, then damn, whoever is hoarding the rom is a really sad individual or individuals who will stop at nothing to make sure it doesn't get to the public... Again, thanks for steering me in the right direction guys, if it wasn't for you, I'd still be believing in that dumbass rumor... Edit: Woah woah woah... hold up here... I checked out some more of th=at thread. Everyone there is saying that isn't the real Razoola, that it is a fake, they are also saying that the poster Elsemi there is fake as well. One reason they claim this is because the user there has his name as razoola, and not Razoola... wtf is going on? is that the real Razoola or not? I am getting really confused now...
Hmmm... were those M and S roms that were linked to real? I can't dl them as it says file not found. But are they the real thing? If so, does that mean someone is leaking these files out? I sure hope that is the case... As for the Razoola thing, it seems that he is claiming if the kof2k3 rom gets released, he will quit working on CPS2 and CPS3 emulation. A lot of people feel that he is just whining, mainly because 1.CPS3 emulation hasn't really had any groundbreaking developments, no one can play these games yet on their pcs emulated. 2.There really aren't any new games for CPS2, so who cares if he quits? We already have Street fighter games and vampire savior games among a slew of many others, so it won't kill anyone if he stops. 3. There aren't many CPS3 games to begin with, except the Street Fighter 3 series, Warzard, and Jojo. Considering the SF games can be played on Dreamcast, which is a ridiculously cheap system, I don't see what all the fuss over emulating it would be. people claim we have to choose: kof2k3, or CPS3 development. But honestly, which would you rather have? An emulated snk game that would cost absurd amounts of money to buy on an expensive and rare system, or a few games that can be easily bought for insanely low prices on a system that is only like $30? Hell, I'll take kof2k3, considering it's much harder to get access for. And honestly, Razoola is a very egotistical person, in fact all of those whining about that kof2k3 rom getting released are. They act as tho they are the only people in the world smart enough to emulate CPS2 and CPS3 games. Geez, how overly arrogant can you get? "Hi, I'm Razoola, and I am the ONLY person in the world capable of emulating CPS3 because I am so brilliant and awesome; if you want CPS3, you better not release the rom, or else I'll biatch and moan and quit like a sissy." sadly people at spanish forums seem to be kissing these guys asses, mainly because: Not all CPS2 games have a spanish language mode apparently. So I guess this Razoola guy is the ONLY one capable of making spanish languages accessible for CPS2 games, thus spanish speaers in emu forums seem to think the world of emulation will end if everyone doesn't bend over and please poor Razoola. In closing, Screw him and all of the other egomaniacs who want to keep this rom a hoarded secret. When I ever get my hands on this rom, I'll be laughing my ass off knowing Billyjr and all of the other idiots who act like elitists assholes everytime a new neogeo game gets dumped will no longer have any followers... Because kof2k3 is the last game for the NEOGEO MVS BOARD! Have fun hoarding and acting like you're special because you have the rom! Cause once this thing gets released, no one will give a damn about Billyjr or his rom hoarding fellow emulation bastards... Why else d you think this rom is geting hoarded so much? because it signals the end of the Billyjr Rom Hoarding "I have the rom and you don't nya nya nya!!!" era of neo geo emulation... No more lamers like Sharim making up fake claims to having the rom and toying with people. No more of any of that nonsense at all. Ah, this is gonna be so sweet. getting and playing this rom will be like taking a nice long dump on all those rom hoarding elitist bastards faces... And Razoola, if you happen to come here or this post gets quoted elsewhere and see this post somehow... GET OVER YOURSELF! You are not the opinnacle of emulation, you are not the only person in the entire world intelligent enough with he time and dedication to emulate CPS2 or add spanish language modes to games for CPS2. The kof2003 rom will come out whether you like it or not, so you can sit there and act like a whiny crybaby over this, or be a man, grow some balls, and just deal with it. The emulation scene doesn't need anymore whiny snotnosed punks like you bitching because someone will release a rom. No one cares about your lame idle threats. We all know you say you'll quit, then the second you feel your eliteness start to slip, you'll magically make a comeback and get everyone to love you again. So just cut the bull and stop crying about this rom getting released. If you won't help the emulation scene over something as silly as a rom getting released, then someone else will gladly take your place, and maybe even upstage you by doing a better job. Oh and has anyone here bothered trying to see if that site really is a scam? It is rather fishy, but if anyone here doesn't mind taking the risk to see if the kof2k3 rom really is on that french site, go for it... At least if someone here gets it, they can share it with the world and end this lame madness....
LINK DELETED/index.php?dlid=10 someone posted this site at neogames, they seemed to know the webmaster... only prob is, how can we get this game, assuming this thing is legit? You need to make some phone call for a password to dl it...
Well I went to #retrogames and saw atila and others who were mentioned to have the rom. I innocently asked if anyone there had it, just to see what would happen. I asked: "Does anyone here have the kof2k3 rom?" They then all played stupid, saying lame crap like "what's a kof2k3? I have kol2004 lol" then they banned me and told me to go to #bearcave. Man, to hell with those rom hoarding bastards, i wish i could tell Playmore on them, so they would get arrested...