;sectionId=10 I was speechless when I first heard of this game, I thought nintendo was BSing, then when I saw footage of it. o shi... NO LIES, nintendo has fuckin done it again. Who would of thought of the gameplay concept playing mario in a 2D world able to flip to a 3D perspective making the level look completely differently. Not only that, - absolute fucking genius, I can't wait til the 9th of April (that was damn friggin quick). As a proud Wii owner (sick of wii puns, give it a rest you guys), this is one game I've been waiting for, this is a great subsitute while waiting for Mario Galaxy. At last, a first true mario game, but a whole new game. You get the tradition mario game with paper mario rpg elements. This should be very good. here's a footage demonstrating the core gameplay of Super paper mario: before: after: