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Everything posted by THE_GAMESMAN™

  1. thanks!! your the bomb!!!
  2. Anyone know some Game shark cheats for Harry Potter 2.gbc (Only if I'm allowed to ask for cheats that is)
  3. Anyone know when I can get Yu-Gi-Oh! roms and I also want some Yu-Gi-Oh! music. Please help
  4. its got a bit of a problem. it says I have the wrong password. it says that every single time I try to install.
  5. ok. thanks. do you know any sites that doesn't have that?
  6. What are leechers? Because I went to Link not allowed - Diso
  7. nope it still doesn't work
  8. I still haven't downloaded the game. Because I can't get into the hub
  9. Does anyone know where to get some thing better than project 64. Well if anyone wants project 64 its here http://members.madasafish.com/~kefka/Project64.zip
  10. I though it was pretty difficult to set the controls. The games ain't bad but the emulator is(project64)
  11. I need Neo Mr Do. Also I've downloaded D++. Everything is done but I don't know how to download
  12. Hi, It's me again. I have lots of GBA roms and others but now I need PSX ROMS!
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