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  1. thanx for the link.. but what emu should be used? as well the dat file? it sounds stupid...lolz but I dont have any idea how Im gonna play it thanx
  2. yea...it seems it works perfect now ^^
  3. I just want to say thanx for the link thanx boomba and spiffy
  4. lolz that guy is quite rude...coz the way he ask for roms..lolz
  5. here is a combo guide for those who want it.. http://www.gamingmatrix.com/kofonline/Imag...F2003/Moves.htm
  6. gamefaqs.com http://www.forumplanet.com/PlanetDreamcast...inagi/index.asp
  7. yea your right...Im having a problem with that one...and sometimes they just sit and looks they are not moving...I have to press a button to make them move..lolz
  8. thats weird I play two Chizuru...and they work and they have 3 life bars like when you fight the last boss
  9. its mame32 Plus Edit corrected the name of the emulator that currently runs the kof2003 rom James
  10. oops sorry I found the hidden characters..lolz
  11. lolz we have the same instruction...lolz
  12. To use Arcade or Console Mode. -After you launch the MAME32plus -Right click on the KOF2003 rom -Select Properties -Select the Miscellaneous TAB -Under BIOS, select Europe MVS (ver. 2) for CONSOLE MODE, selcet US MVS (ver. 1) for ARCADE MODE.
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