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Everything posted by saiyanfire

  1. Were sorry, were sorry....dont kill us with your godly powers. ^^ i guess we did overstep teh boundaries......Gamecop has good reasons, case closed in my opinion now that i know all the details. I know if i was in a position of power, many ppl would be banned. but GC and the staff are fairly merciful in my opinion. all hail the king ^^
  3. Nah, If we all show support its better than PMing Fuku...I also agree with KDash in the fact that stuff on irc shouldnt have 2 do with the forums...unless he threatened to do somethin bad to the site. Also Fuku, are u sayin that we have a bad staff? if so, leave this forum. the best emulation site in the world wont miss one member
  4. ROFLMAOSHIH (rollin on the floor laughin me ass off so hard it hurts) A mouthful in few letters
  5. i figured it was a PC game, and not a rom request...
  6. Yeah those things....is Emule the only way to get that and queen of hearts(or whatever its called)?
  7. WTF...i saw something similar b4....lemme search...*searching* it was here http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...wtopic=5769&hl= not very informative but i swear the pic that was formerly on kofchile looked similar
  8. GGX for gba ONLINE will OWN!!!!
  9. Srry, i dont know, but you could just D/l the whole OST
  10. Same (im there right now, ownin teaches in halo)
  11. I think i might stick to my PS2 ver. But ill maybe grab it to rip sprites or somethin.
  12. Sounds Awesome, unfortunately ill be on vacation then, but ill be sure to d/l the broadcast when i get back!!
  13. My bios are called: dc_bios.bin (2048 KB) and DC_flash.bin (128 KB) is this Right?
  14. Yeah, they usually do, i hope the hacking doesent piss em off, but makes them incorporate those features
  15. Thanks, great list, although everything will have to wait because of Gryphons great suggestion. he made me realize, flock everything else, all you need is Pr0n!! no really thanks, now about my music and roms....ON TO SPAM FTP's (and every p2p ever made at once in the next two days)
  16. Hey! havent been here in a while due to the fact below, and all of a sudden this chankast thing comes out, and i crap my pants, but that has nothing to with what im talkin about.. Harddrive and Motherboard crashed, should be coming back tomorrow, so now i lost EVERYTHING. what im most pissed off about is all my music (the mainstream will be gotten easily, but not the anime 0ST's and VGM), but my rom collection and PC games (warcraft and UT 04 especially ) are a close second. GOD I EISH I HAD AN EXTERNAL!!! well anyway can u guys help to jog my memory of the essential programs like winrar and divX such to make a huge spamming list of stuff, because i have two days of school and T1 left before i go back to crappy dialup, amd also a bad memory Itll be a crappy summer.....
  17. Its really not That bad of a game...
  18. Battlefield 1942 maybe?
  19. I have gotten the "giri giri hack" saturn emu to work, and have played Shining Force 3 with it, though speed isnt near 100%
  20. i shall join your forum,...... for a price j/k
  21. The original ut and 04 have good systems, but 03 is 73H su><0rz also k'dash keep dem GGx vids comin
  22. I guess his image host (angelfire) is down
  23. in the arcades, i dont even play ppl i can beat easily. i really only play people that i know i cant beat, so that i can get better. but then i started beating those people and now there isnt much challenge in the arcade
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