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Everything posted by saiyanfire

  1. whoooo yeah, cant wait, we wish u luck with your endeavors!!
  2. CAP and SNK are both great, but GG is my favorite fighter ever, but thats not enough to make me vote for them.... i dont know who to pick... >_<
  3. well a guy who plays 25 hours straight has to play his dreams with his joystick
  4. yeah you can only get like 60% speed and its buggy
  5. thx alot 4 the link *pisses pants with excitement*
  6. oh my god, i hope its good. SF1 is my fave rpg ever!!!id be forever indebted to u if u could give me a linky or even better send or AIM it to me
  7. neo, its not what they think is a good game, its what u think, i hope there will be new GG type chars in this game. i also hope it gets a quick ps2 port when its released, cuz i know my arcade will never get a copy of it how will the fighting system work? itll prolly be like mvsc2 where the GG chars own the capcom one
  8. i love darkstalkers, i dont know what ur talkin about neo. i dont know n e 1 who dislikes 'stalkers. why dont u go grab vsav2 for kawaks and see its greatness
  9. i creamed my jeans when i heard this game was being released
  10. cool, i might check it out
  11. bad Cd's can mess with your ps2 just look at the disc of the new Smackdown : hctp my bro bought it and when u load it, you ps2 makes a grinding noise this was caused by thq using a weird disc, which was heavy or somethin, and many people have reported online that their ps2's have died after hearing the grinding noise
  12. how do i listen in? i dont get it, do i use winamp?
  13. i dont use either cuz theyre too slow
  14. i know many people who play rag and they say its awesome, i dont like payin monthly for games tho. id rather just pay 40-50 bucks in one shot
  15. next Pokemon game: turd brown woth yellow POKEdots
  16. did u get a blue screen before it shut itself off?
  17. k, im 15, and i post during class cuz my school uses laptops my interests (besides the obvious) i like 2 draw and watch anime and hangout, i also like standup comedy and jokes.... oh yeah i agree with agozer on the moustache thing
  18. it aint fully translated yet, so i dont think u want to play it, tho i do have it
  19. yup i aint compilin nothin, too many. i can tell u all the systems i have tho sega master system sega genesis atari 2600 nintendo super nintendo playstation playstation 2 Dreamcast gameboy gameboy advanced lots of Pc games
  20. thats a great commercial but obviously fake
  21. the message i get is like- built in library message- error-cant change video mode
  22. how about static X-the only, thas a good 1 Cannibal Ox- a b-boys alpha Run DMC- king of rock Lots of variety for me, i listen to just about everything
  23. im listenin 2.... del tha funkee homosapien-mistadobalina
  24. shining force PWNZ em all. to me its 1 of the funnest (if thats a word) game of all time, but no one recognizes its gr8ness. i knew that game was gr8 when i was 8 hey that rhymes
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