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Everything posted by saiyanfire

  1. Whats the best Prank youve been a part of- Either u were the one prankin-or the one bein pranked?
  2. i had the same problem, with the video card, but i dont know how to fix it, maybe that freedos thing will work...
  3. nice joke frost saying that saying that your friend had emulated cps-3, we almost....wait, we NEVER believed u.
  4. i dont think your ants are optimal for performance. my 1 fish has emulated ps2 while your millions of ants could only conquer naomi on a tiny screen. BOW DOWN TO MY SUPERIOR GOLDFISH, but both your ants and my fish cant stand up to frosts friend apparently
  5. an aim chatroom might serve the same purpose, but then u can challenge people....
  6. u forgot workin with sh1tty soil samples
  7. *wakes up* *head hurts from rock* Damn frosts friend beat my fish, he hasnt finished ps2 yet...
  8. dag GC u gots the skills to pay the bills. u should become a private detective or somethin those were mighty impressive skills, although the guy was dumb and not a very good hacker, cuz he left tracses all over the place,
  9. oh, yur back senor dikhed and did yur friend crack ps3 emulation yet?
  10. oh that was his avatar b4 he got banned glad he never caused u trubble, he drove GameCop insane
  11. swedes cant figure things out so ill post correctly /jk I was askin if XXL enigma caused him problems also cuz i see he had joined his forums
  12. wait, but did thT dude raid yur forums 2?
  13. smells like Eugen Popovici thanks for the quick and in depth response
  14. all of yesterdays posts are off, awww, whatever keep the work up dude!!!! also maybe u should post somethin other than testing so we can all know how much progress yur makin!
  15. i was thinkin that this thread should be like posted on the front page or something. like a n00b beware thing. we are nice to newb's but not n00bs who do stupid stuff and post false info. or maybe there could be like a policy which everyone has to agree to. this thread will be an example of what will happen to u if u disobey.
  16. i think condition 0 was just a quick attempt to tide over CS fans until half life 2 comes out, man that game is gonna own
  17. i think it'd be worse if u made him play the zelda games for the phillips cdi for an eternity or even worse Pit fighter
  18. preach it violence
  19. i hate that game with a passion now. everyone in my school is obsessed with that game. most of them are like wands and stuff. i was only a stone hammer when i stopped playin. ill stick to my woms
  20. omfg thats hillarious!!! n e way, i have a game for ps1 that my grandpa bought me a while back called KILLING ZONE!! its the biggest piece of garbage youve ever seen! in this game, you pick a monster, like a mummy or something and you do battle. the characters have the stupidest god damn names in the world. for instance the skeleton is named hal and the serpent woman is named sherry. just thinking about that game makes me cry. actually that game is sorta funny... *goes to play it for a minute* *dies of laughter*
  21. lets just get back to flaming that cross-dresser? k?
  22. thought it sounded cool in like 5th grade, name stuck. also used to use duomaximum. like twice the max. corny eh?
  23. no where they dont work on steam
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