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Megalivewire X

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Everything posted by Megalivewire X

  1. Go for AVG or Karpersy. Both worked for me
  2. Too funny vid . Seriously, wtf?! Violence won't take anywhere, specially with a PC. It's way outta line shooting with big gun like that
  3. That is so wrong at so many levels Maybe could be the food that ppl are eating that might the those growth proportion, or maybe not?
  4. SC3 is freakin' awesome . There's a lot of things that you can do ...But has only one downfall, not online play , but the extras, IMHO makes it up for the online thingy. About the created characters Charlotte (Samurai Showdown) Hibiki (Last Blade) Raiden (Mortal Kombat) Jubei (Samurai Showdown) that's it for now PS: I can't get Li Long unlocked, is freakin too long
  5. I've seen many ppl play it though. In malls, etc.
  6. :P McDonald's Food = Artery Blocker/Destroyer
  7. I would go NGB or MK: SM Also Burnout Revenge, ppl say that is quite entertaining
  8. I'm sort in between.
  9. Well, If case that any1 didn't know, is back online
  10. That's a bummer. Mad Cow Disease, now Avian Flu. This isn't pretty, guys.
  11. Are you serious ! a leech In Aus this guy ordered a burger from Mc Donalds and there was a bloody plasta (band aid) in his Bun. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep. Also, it I heard this. This dude called a pizza parlor, to try to make a bad joke. The pizza parlor's employees weren't happy about so, anyway, the parlor's guys, did step on the pizza, spit, God know what've done that pizza and delivered to the guy. Wait did you said a band aid in one of the burguers buns? That's disgusting. Also I had a friend workin' for KFC. He was carrying a pan full of chicken and drop it on the floor by accident. My friend was going to pick it up, the manager stops him and say "what are you doing, you know we have a shortage of chicken" and my friend say yes. And then the manager takes the chicken and put them in were going to server to the public . Also, this another story. About McDonald's, it even appeared on the news. So anyway, this guy worked on the cooking area. But the thing is this guy masturbated on the mc-chicken mayonaisse and mix within and served to the ppl. They catch him during the acted and they kicked out of the joint. So anyway, after testing his sperm, he had some kind of STD.
  12. Nice site, Suvo, Thanks. I might get some songs that I couldn't get from meh mind
  13. . Yes indeed. Coz I eat like once or twice a day Anyway, more experience fast food. I remember one of my friends, buying at the local wendys. He ordered some fries and they gave them to him with a leech on the fries . I remember seeing some nail crust on some1 pizza at a restaurant
  14. I think I know, but not so sure about it. I'll check more...
  15. Well from my McDonalds experience, I live near one. I'm always have to eat there (other food and restaurants chains are bit far and sometimes I don't cook.) So anyway, I always go for the chicken stuff (Except nuggets, which they are still selling around here), Sometimes they make it alright, sometimes don't. If I eat a lot of those, I get nasuea and little headache. I ordered the other day a Super-Sized Combo, the bastards gave me the food normal size and charged me for the super-sized. Other Experiences, is for Burger King, always they screwed up my order and sometimes their food is quite bad(well where I live). I say, give a whopper, a large coke and fries, the bastards give me a chicken tenders, a large sprite and small onion rings(yes, don't believe me, it's true) The worst case was in Taco-Bell, it's about food poisoning. I ate some combo offer there and then I felt sick and stuff. Vomiting, etc, you know. To make this short, I ended up in the hosptial for food poisoning. Since that day, I can't eat Taco-Bell. Well almost all the fast foods chains (Which is good and bad.)
  16. Mine's a mess right now., But I'll Fix it soon
  17. And I quote My friend is right. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  18. It's looks good. Im kinda of waitin' to see it
  19. Hey What bout Heidern?
  20. They need to counter-measure that type of terrorist or a unit or somethin' CTUXXX (Counter Terrorist Unit for Porn)
  21. Nice It's looks kool and sexy
  22. Ouch that's awfully high
  23. the PSP Analog= Gives Cramps in thumb. I played Dead to Rights, and I was hatin' it. But isn't fair, gettin' Street Fighter Alpha 3 I hope someday that gets the PS2 or PS3 release.
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