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legenderycity's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. What is said slider? And how do I check it in my Sound Control Panel settings?
  2. I don't have a line-in microphone
  3. How do I check that I don't have the microphone muted in the sound control panel.
  4. Yes, it is an error message from NO$GBA itself and I dont have any microphone plugged. But what do you mean by mic line open?
  5. When I'm playing Pokemon Diamond, I encounter a problem. The game crashes until half when I am playing and says microphone wave in failure. How do I fix this problem. I'm using NO$GBA 2.6.
  6. I can't seem to play Pokemon Diamond on DSEmu. When I load it, the emulator is not responding. How do I fix this problem?
  7. Can someone teach me how to use DSemu step by step. Like how to load ROMs.
  8. When I tried to load Pokemon Diamond, it says r15 unaligned. What does it mean and how to fix it???
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