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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. I'd say buy a R4 and 1gb memory card
  2. those 3 little plush dolls in bleach.
  3. it's more like a few fillers put together with better and more fighter scenes.
  4. Finally. Cigarette that is. Your the first confirmed smoker here I know of. Thought I was alone! But..... I should quit though. Anyway. I do still like to go to (good) movies... everyone says go check this out. So perhaps EM and I will do so. 19 bucks for the both of us though.... smuggle in food... 6 bucks for popped corn? Flock that. 5 bucks for a large drink........... call me cheap, but its the principle... screw them. so u 2 think watching a movie at a theater is expensive and not worth it but paying for cigarettes/suicide and killing others with second hand smoke is not? my sister saw this and said it was really good and scary so i might "go" see it
  5. That's why some get boob jobs Hunchbacks... you know, women with terrible posture. I see many at work - both lobby and starbucks. that one doesn't look that build so she looks decent
  6. i was talking about The Diamond Dust Rebellion. Y haven't u seen Memories of Nobody yet?
  7. quickspot club house games Taiko no tatsujin DS touch de dokodon Tetris Trauma Center
  8. Make sure u guys don't drink and drive.
  9. if we do that make sure a poll is used for every review so I can save some time by not reading every single post
  10. and here are some bad photoshop results this one is for my photography class and we shoot black&white a shark made out of coat hanger for my JAWS project that i had to do in my Mass Media class
  11. The new movie that's coming out looks pretty sweet from the previews in the opening and ending. I wonder how long it'll take for the DVD to come out so that could be subbed
  12. DJ max portable 2. this game is hard or i just suck at it. Tekken DR it's tekken so it's awesome, but i can't fight cpu that are Fujin and up so i need more practice
  13. well i got a part time job and it's high school senior year , so i have to do a lot of college stuff. and this http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...suvo&st=960 page needs more updates
  14. html websites fore veryday use, flash for promotional website, like for movies and games.
  15. i gave up on contra a long time ago, it's sooooo hard. call me a noob, i don't care.
  16. i hope evil ryu is in this but i highly doubt it would happen
  17. so he's blocking in the air but there's no air blocking? No, what I mean is, most people precived his j.jab animation looks like his airblocking, which he's not. thx for clearing that up for me. the Revenge sounds interesting but did they have to take out parrying
  18. i agree, they should really update the flash player so youtube videos can be viewed. i can't get psptube to work on my slim
  19. so he's blocking in the air but there's no air blocking?
  20. after II but before III. i was hoping this new SF would advance the story and maybe end it with a real ending
  21. not trying to sound like an ass or anything but how come all these mass shooting done by teenagers never have a lot of people killed? i mean it only takes 1 bullet to kill someone if u have good aim and with only 1 clip way more people can be killed. if this upset anyone then i'm sorry but i just wanted to point this out gun control is only good for keeping guns away from crazy psycho people who decides to kill people because they're mad at the world, but it's not gonna stop those that are in gangs and crime organizations cuz they always have a way of getting guns
  22. lol i wouldn't say all of them are, there are a few that's not. anyway that battery from ebay looks unsafe to me and i would be too scare to use it and have it end up exploding while i'm playing some tekken.
  23. >2,000 posts and you still type like that? Good god... I'm betting if I was an admin I would have banned you by now. I'm shocked that you have survived this long ;/ If i was admin i would remove that post cuz it has nothing to do with the topic and warn you, but you and I are not admin so nothing can be done. anyway back on topic *cough cough* good thing law is B rank. he's the only one i can use. i need to get better with Jin and Kazuya
  24. so basically those that r high tier are suited for beginners and button smashers ? the low tier char. are for showing off ur skills ?
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