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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. because it wasn't that good of a martial art movie and the jokes were bad. anyway the movies 2eyez listed are all great fighting movies
  2. i never get these tier list. how r the character ranked? do they rank them base on cheapness and ease of use?
  3. can u guys list some of them?
  4. pen-is and fat chicks with small boobs. the only way i can see pass a woman being fat is if her boobs are bigger than me head. ass i don't really care about. symmetry of the face is important too
  5. so right now, ur talking about how everyone is not doing anything but talk but have u done anything that helps the country??
  6. i was kind of hoping one of the kof would make it in the top 5...
  7. Get a 8GB memory stick, it will fill up fast 8gb stick costs way too much
  8. i bought 2 4gb lexar memory stick pro duo for 29.99 each with shipping and tax, it came out to be $72 ish nice saving without rebates more stuff for my PSP hehe if u know what i mean
  9. what all else fails, just remember ur trusty hands
  10. aww sweet u got a N95, it cost way too much for me *_*' i have a sony ericsson w810i anyway N64 for cell phone is just asking for too much
  11. i believe in soul society and shinigamis... lol just messing around. i think all religions should be combined into 1 big story so people can stop saying that their religion is right.
  12. ur talking about the the in the kd folder and registry right?
  13. u guys makes me wanna post pictures from my emo myspace and just for LOLZ
  14. it's not my fault that almost all the videos posted on chinese forums are in .rmvb format how is the homebrew scene for the PSP? is there a lot of useful applications, and how is homebrew for the new PSP, any compatibly issues? Also would it be a lot easier to buy and use the this batteryhttp://us.codejunkies.com/shop/Products/MA...LIM__PSP19.aspx than making my own? i don't have access to a homebrew enabled PSP so i'm thinking of gettin this battery. Please note that the TOOL battery does not come with the memory stick needed for flashing. Typically you need a homebrew PSP to make that 'magic' ms so make sure you have that aspect sorted before you buy that battery. o, about, that, i found the files online
  15. the Sat was hard, the ACT wasn't as hard but stilll boring -_-ZzZZzz i fell asleep on both of them mostly during those long reading parts. i got a 23 on the ACT and 1400ish on the SAT the reading always gets me>.<
  16. I'm 17, virgin. worse never had a girlfriend wither. never kissed a girl. i guess i need to lower my standards for the kind of guy i am. "short nerdy asian kid"
  17. it's not my fault that almost all the videos posted on chinese forums are in .rmvb format how is the homebrew scene for the PSP? is there a lot of useful applications, and how is homebrew for the new PSP, any compatibly issues? Also would it be a lot easier to buy and use the this batteryhttp://us.codejunkies.com/shop/Products/MA...LIM__PSP19.aspx than making my own? i don't have access to a homebrew enabled PSP so i'm thinking of gettin this battery.
  18. thx. i guess i won't be getting a PSP then
  19. i wish the fillers would stop coming back. well not really fillers i guess but adding stuff that's not in the manga just annoys me
  20. STREET FIGHTER Tekken Resident evil
  21. are there any homebrew media players that will allow me to play real files. cuz a lot of chinese videos i download are in .rmvb format and i don't want to have to convert them everytime i want to watch on the PSP on the go. this will help me decide to get a PSP slim or not. thx a bunch guys o and also, the much space does the average games take up after it's compressed to... i forgot the format it's non-iso. THX A LOT
  22. too bad the game is gettin delayed
  23. they kinda force the ending in and left space for a 2nd season there cuz the manga stopped so if they're not gonna have enough plot to keep going with the anime. i forgot what happened to the manga, what ever it is i want it to come back so bad
  24. i think they're used to be friends or at least that's how it seems like, u know like how ichigo and ichida's cold friendship during the beginning of the story
  25. i didn't like the last few episode, i can't wait till the manga come back
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