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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. i think venom would be in this one but i doubt he'll doing any fighting
  2. u bricked ur old phat DS? how? i thought only ds lite could be bricked during flashing
  3. i don't like this one, because Lan and megaman have to leave all of their friends at acdc town, therefore i'm not gonna play it
  4. i was about to say the same thing. i've seen hdd installed on its side, in some dell pc
  5. lol, wow that's kinda old.
  6. yeah, u can still play online after u flash ur ds, btw did u add me in mario kart yet?
  7. u must not pay attention to the fight scenes very much cuz they float all the time
  8. with the m3, it's a lot easier. u just run flashme and then it'll tell u what to do. after u flashed us ds, u can use it to download play with roms while ur friends use ur m3 and host the game. flashmev7 have brightness settings for ds lite. and yes ur Max media launcher will work(i used the same thing). the only thing u have to worry about is what ur using to short SL1. make sure the tool fits perfectly so it doesn't move around and touch other components. i use a toothpick wrapped around with foil and eletrical tape.
  9. they make the bounto too strong, and y the hell aren't Ichigo and the good guys attaking them? and instead they try to attack the doll which is a lot harder to kill
  10. Hmm.... if someone bought those ds lites, could nintendo track them when they go online with it ?
  11. i don't understand how the Japanese could have lost that match at the very end by 3-1
  12. Sry for bumping this but it'll be worse to make a new topic on the same subject I just got a ds lite and mario kart My Friend code is 073086-852007 it'll be nice if guys posted ur Friend code too
  13. this is so creepy, just think of all the anime nerds that gonna be there
  14. Are you serious about this being the first time you've heard of the game? Have you ever played either Super Smash Brothers or Super Smash Brothers Melee? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no, i was hoping someone would say ya rly. anyway with Snake in this one thing might get interesting enough for me to get a wii btw is wario is this one?
  15. it's a game where popular videogame characters perform sadomasochistic acts on eachother. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> o rly? my nintendo fanboyism is growing
  16. finals are next week my m3, max media launcher and mini-sd card all came today but i'm still waiting for the ds lite to come out i bricked my sony ericsson k700i cuz my computer restart during the flashing and i can't take the heat any more, can't wait till fall and winter, the best seasons
  17. i doubt it maybe it'll be over when fall come
  18. it's nice to know that u found a solution btw which firmware are u using for ur m3
  19. oh, then maybe i got the wrong version or something like that cuz mine is 2.0 where did u find v3.14 anyway sry i can't help but u can try going to m3-forum.com for some help and check out dualscene for any firmware and manager updates
  20. i think u need to get the latest version of the game manager
  21. i dunno maybe it has something to do with his eyes
  22. i think it has a build in emulator that can play those roms. btw if u need a passme device, get the "max media launcher" because it's the size of a regular ds cart and doesn't need any programming so it's plug and play
  23. what is it about ??? and is it long and hard to understand?? if not then i might get the book
  24. well i'm getting a DS lite soon so i won't have ay money for ps3 plus by the time i've saved up enough money the PSTHREE should be out so i'll just get that
  25. agree with u 100%
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