Honestly yous sony fanboys all same the same garbage. you say Dawn of sorrow is the only reason to own the console? I say Phoenix wright, Sonic Rush, mario and Luigi Lost in time,jump super stars and a crap load of others are 10x better than the crap sonys shoveling out for its handheld wow you got another damn GTA. yeah I'm sure my calculator will get a port of that sometime soon with some super ubber new way to jacks someone for their car. as for the rev controller dont dis something till you tryed it. and give nintendo props for them trying to do something that SONY couldn't never dream of doing in a milion years. innovate the console market. all the DS,Cube,gba games I've played I have like every one. how many psp or PS2 owners can say that? aside from the usually FF,gta,dmc CLONES. Hell all of those above also have respective clones. and clones of clones. I'm not tripping on you I'm merely just frustrated with all the bashing of a console when the one people are boasting caters to people who want the same crap OVER and OVER again. -Rant off- <{POST_SNAPBACK}> u sound like a fanboy to me