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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. * stars at shoma* *shoryuken shoma* *scream out shoryuken!!*
  2. would people really but this?? it cost so much and the ds screen is not as good as the PSP. so even if i had a ds i wouldn't buy this
  3. BitLord=evil!! j/k i use utorrent cuz it doesn't use up my resources like bitcomet did. to get faster speed u have open a port in ur router, if u don't have a router but u g slow speed then maybe it's the torrent( low seeds) or bad configuration of the program u use
  4. time to upload lots of porn... *evil laugh*
  5. No we were originally talking about real Mahjongg, but it seems that a lot of people mistake Shanghai for real Mahjongg. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> for some reason i don't like people gettin the 2 mixed up
  6. it happened to me when i was playing it a few months ago. i was playing chronicle of the sword and just beat it too. right when it is auto saving it said that my data is corrupt it so i had to go to my friend's house and delete the SC3 data and go back home to save it in order to keep my data safe. i was so scared i would lose all my stuff but i didn't ^-^
  7. stop talking and post more picture!! but no midget porn, lol
  8. omg, u guys were talking about that gay mahjong and not the real crap and people in asia play?
  9. just so u guys know, there's japanese mahjong, taiwanese, cantonese, and some other kinds
  10. Drake is back and so is suvo and three retards of 1emulation is back!!(me included) j/k anyway welcome back guys
  11. we too should sell our knowledge
  12. u mean 5 pictures of the same DS lite ?? or 5 seperate prototype unit?
  13. lol, that's way better than LSD's situation
  14. lol this is rare, a beautiful female street fighter player that beat a 1emu member for 10 rounds straight
  15. so far i only have the ken costume for tenkai and cammy costume for Jubei
  16. i heard they can be unlock by beating shin onimusha
  17. i've never seen this one before anyway i saw this another video it was this guy sitting on a chair that's on a platform and under it there was a lot of water bottle and there were poles that guided the platform upward. but it still didn't launch up that far, anyway after the long story, my point is that it'll take a lot of power to launch someone that far
  18. actually, there have been a bunch of projects, including a guy that made a usb optical mouse out of an nes pad. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i know, i was being sarcastic cuz i don't understand the big deal about the nes pad but people can do what they do as long as it doesn't bother me that much
  19. let's find more thing that would fit inside the nes controller!!!
  20. i can't translate very good, i only learn up to 4th grade lvl in chinese then i moved here, "something" good dog, anyway u can ask magnis
  21. Happy Ney Year, It's the Year of the dog
  22. it doesn't hurt to show some hair so u won't get warn(i think)
  23. and to this day i still don't know y
  24. well, i found out the nntp server of my isp but what program should i use the take full advancdage of newsgroup?? i tried using thunderbird but u can't search for things so it doesn't work well for downloading stuff
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