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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. portal cuz i don't have this site bookmarked anymore, and it's easier to type 1emulation ctrl+enter
  2. u didn't like the storyline of the second one? i like t a lot more than the first movie but i think the fight scene are better in the first one.
  3. wow that's a big wall of text and i actually read all of it. Glad ur gears saved ur life. u should take pictures of the bike later so we can all see how bad the crash was. So r u going to buy a new bike, or is ur bike repairable ?
  4. how is this for viewing porn?? lol
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10...uted-wings.html simply awesome
  6. and i bet he would make a lot of money too and might even end up writing books and one of his stories will become a movie or a good porn
  7. Same issue for me, I had to restart Mozilla to get real youtube vid's runnen normal again . yea same thing happened to me and i did the same thing, i wonder if it has to do with the flash plugin because this isn't the first time that have happened to me
  8. cover that face up then it's all good.
  9. yea i was hoping for an epic fight between Sora and Naruto but o well... at leat the filler is over now and it's back on track
  10. the anime IS BACK ON TRACK!!! so start watching it again
  11. i want to know too
  12. from what i've heard EDGE is slow. and if ur tethering, ur data plan have to support it. I've heard people getting by with using a unlimited data plan for their phone that doesn't support tethering but the thing, They can catch you if they wanted since they would be able to tell the massive data flow ur using. so overall i don't think this is a good idea. maybe u should try gettin a laptop card with a data plan
  13. that's a good idea but i don't know if i can do it.
  14. Uhh, are you talking about the right series? lol it sounds like he's being watching some really really cool fillers, lol
  15. well here's the thing. I want to go to school, because I know I'm the lazy type and if I stopped going to school, I wouldn't go back. I guess i really didn't state me situation correctly. Picking between Marketing and Computer science, which one would be more useful for getting a job when i get out of college? i know i want to get into those 2 field and would be great if it's a mixture of both such as marketing for a computer company.
  16. I love winter but most of my reasons are listed already. During winter you can wear more layers and get more creative with clothing so more fashionable but during the summer, it gets soo hot for me it's always just shorts and tee
  17. okay so college is start soon for me, and i want to change my major now. Before when i applied for the school, I didn't really know what i wanted to do so i just picked fiance since that's what my cousin did. Now, however, i actually know what i want to do. I want to do business in computer and video game industry so basically the tech world. The big question is, Should i major in computer science or marketing And should i minor in one of them? Which one would allow me to find a job easier when I get out of college? Should I major in computer science while I'm still young because to me it looks like it would be harder than majoring in marketing. Please reply soon with your wise advices
  18. of the ones u posted, i like most of the japanese ones more. i love the jap soul calibur boxart
  19. It's already happened, though, hasn't it? I guess it could change yet, maybe, but still. i was hoping she could be saved but the last episode rule that out *sigh*
  20. that elf dude( looks like an elf to me) is way cool. i liked him way better than hellboy/oldass. that weapon he has is cool too. the story tho does suck and the ending was dumb.
  21. what happens when there are more than 30 char. ? not all of them being used?
  22. hancock wasn't that good, wall-e was great
  23. onimusha 3, devil may cry 3, lost planet is on steam so i dunno about sf4
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