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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. their flipping skills aren't too bad same for fighting but cosplaying... not too good
  2. i think it's easier to find music with P2P apps
  3. did u guys take urs down yet?
  4. and people call me dumblook at this guy wasting his money away
  5. The ps2 Mc exploit isn't that crappy and about the USB hack u can do the same thing with computers and run viruses(i read somewhere one engadget)
  6. get those plastic flexible keyboard/pad then u can just wash it all u want
  7. the one u r using is fine
  8. it seems criminals now a day are getting dumber and dumber
  9. i got $320 combined from all of my relatives my mom and my sister still haven't gotten me anything yet cuz i couldn't pick anything i want, my other sister bought me a wallet which is perfect for all that money
  10. Fake tree, since i care about the the environment also it's cheaper. re-usable, and easy to clean up
  11. i have one of these
  12. damn straight hope it's out sooner than we though, I know someone should be working on that patch already.. while we wait, I'm sure we can enjoy Kingdom Hearts 2 and some Narutimett3.. hdl ownz <{POST_SNAPBACK}> amen brother amen kingdom hearts 2 is a nice game to play while i wait for a patch. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i'm just waiting for the english version to come out cuz i can't read japanese and i need to know the story
  13. did u guys read manga chapter 209, the ending lefted me shocked, so if u haven't gotten it yet u should get it now
  14. Can we sticky this thread? please
  15. i don't like the viewing angle of this game but everything else is sweet
  16. i think religion is only good for teaching morals,and when people are fighting which religion is better or which one is the right one that's just dumb i like Elazul Yagami's idea, about how we were created but then we started to evolve
  17. i'll just wait for more mods for these system to come out, since i'm a stingy bastard
  18. Don't forget how humans have been getting significantly taller over the past few centuries. There's actual proof of that. Anyways, intelligent design is flocking retarded. I'm amazed it was allowed into schools in the first place. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i thought people are getting shorter, cuz i keep seeing short kids in my school including me anyway y do people argue about the creation of men when we should worry about the future instead
  19. both of them happned to me
  20. this is the truth http://revolutioncontrollerfail.ytmnd.com/
  21. Theres lots of studies proving everything. From the use of tinfoil (aka Aluminum Foil) causing alzheimers, to eating cookies causes your ears to grow long and pointy. Anything you can dream up, I bet you can find on Google, and if you can't find a funded study done on it........you can bet you'll find a bunch of topics by people who believe in it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> so true, that's y i don't know what to believe
  22. there's many studies pointing that cellphone cause cancer but there's also a lot of studies the prove other wise, so right now i don't really care about using cellphones for a long period of time
  23. still talking about this fag??
  24. maybe a better sound plug-in(the ddr lead me to this thought)
  25. the result of the best fighting game is just..... hmmm..... GAY!! well this is fixed so it really doesn't matter
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